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  1. How about a solar torch instead? With a wind-up corb to charge it as well?
  2. Also mention, better use for rotten fruits and veggies
  3. Im talking about a small gaden bin, just fill it up, put some dirt on top and let it rot. In few weeks time, all its left will be fine garden plant compost base. Not a perfect fertiliser but cheap and natural.
  4. Hey all, i was thinking, we are wasting every rotten produce. It could become a natural fertiliser for garden plants. Simply make a woodden chest with foil for compost
  5. It's not complicated to mantain weapons, but to repair, that's another story. My dad has few rifles and i know how to clean and look after them but once a year he goes to a master gunsmith just to check that they are ok and safe to use
  6. Rape and sunflower, for making margarines, substitute of butter.
  7. Maybe custom weapons instead of repair. Not many city people know a thing about basic gunsmithing.
  8. Coffee can be made from burned chickory and barley. Quite nice tbh, you have chickory extract in most of supermarkets
  9. You evaporise water from milk to thicken it, then you have hot rollers to press it and a kinda long metal sheet as a knife, scratching milk powder off the rollers... complicated what about condensed milk in tin cans? theres plenty of these in markets?
  10. Hey guys, nothing warms up during cold night hunting trip than a hot tea with sugar and whiskey or vodka. Sometimes when our toon is cold or freezing, we could take a sip and get warmer. Currently whiskey only gives you hapinness and thirst relief but no warmth? What do you think?
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