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Everything posted by Ariex

  1. Quote to the problem. Same Here. Which is very much a shame. Safehouse settings are # Both admins and players can claim safehouses PlayerSafehouse=true # Only admins can claim safehouses AdminSafehouse=false # Allow non-members to enter a safehouse without being invited SafehouseAllowTrepass=true # Allow fire to damage safehouses SafehouseAllowFire=false # Allow non-members to take items from safehouses SafehouseAllowLoot=true # Players will respawn in a safehouse that they were a member of before they died SafehouseAllowRespawn=true # Players must have survived this number of in-game days before they are allowed to claim a safehouse\nMinimum=0 Maximum=2147483647 Default=0 SafehouseDaySurvivedToClaim=1 # Players are automatically removed from a safehouse they have not visited for this many real-world hours\nMinimum=0 Maximum=2147483647 Default=144 SafeHouseRemovalTime=200 Edit: Fixed. Pay attention to trepass setting. That and disablesafehousewhenplayer connect are interconnected and rely on each other to govern how invisible walls work
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