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  1. Hello, I have an error occurring where zombies wearing the same clothing are appearing or spawning in batches near our base. When I travel out in the world I don't notice this occurring, it seems to be where we are currently doing most of our building and storing. I know zombies can be attracted to sounds so I was wondering if these were migrating zombies or actual spawning issues. I tried to search online and in the forums for an answer but didn't see one yet. I don't know if I have a setting changed causing this or what. I also had the zombie spawning set to 0.0 originally but changed it to maximum last night just to try and stop the clone issue. Using G Portal for hosting. CPU is at 0.07% and RAM is currently 6108 MB / 11264 MB. Not using mods. SaveWorldEveryMinutes: set to 2. I saw online that this could have an impact but I never changed this setting so I figured 2 was default and default was okay. ZombieUpdateMaxHighPriority: Set to 50. ZombieUpdateDelta: Set to 0.5. ZombieUpdateRadiusLowPriority: Set to 45. ZombieUpdateRadiusHighPriority: Set to 10. Here are my settings for Zombie Config. ZombieConfig = { -- Set by the "Zombie Count" population option. 4.0 = Insane, Very High = 3.0, 2.0 = High, 1.0 = Normal, 0.35 = Low, 0.0 = None. Minimum=0.00 Maximum=4.00 Default=1.00 PopulationMultiplier = 1.0, -- Adjusts the desired population at the start of the game. Minimum=0.00 Maximum=4.00 Default=1.00 PopulationStartMultiplier = 1.0, -- Adjusts the desired population on the peak day. Minimum=0.00 Maximum=4.00 Default=1.50 PopulationPeakMultiplier = 1.0, -- The day when the population reaches it's peak. Minimum=1 Maximum=365 Default=28 PopulationPeakDay = 150, -- The number of hours that must pass before zombies may respawn in a cell. If zero, spawning is disabled. Minimum=0.00 Maximum=8760.00 Default=72.00 RespawnHours = 8760.0, -- The number of hours that a chunk must be unseen before zombies may respawn in it. Minimum=0.00 Maximum=8760.00 Default=16.00 RespawnUnseenHours = 8760.0, -- The fraction of a cell's desired population that may respawn every RespawnHours. Minimum=0.00 Maximum=1.00 Default=0.10 RespawnMultiplier = 0.1, -- The number of hours that must pass before zombies migrate to empty parts of the same cell. If zero, migration is disabled. Minimum=0.00 Maximum=8760.00 Default=12.00 RedistributeHours = 24.0, -- The distance a zombie will try to walk towards the last sound it heard. Minimum=10 Maximum=1000 Default=100 FollowSoundDistance = 60, -- The size of groups real zombies form when idle. Zero means zombies don't form groups. Groups don't form inside buildings or forest zones. Minimum=0 Maximum=1000 Default=20 RallyGroupSize = 35, -- The distance real zombies travel to form groups when idle. Minimum=5 Maximum=50 Default=20 RallyTravelDistance = 20, -- The distance between zombie groups. Minimum=5 Maximum=25 Default=15 RallyGroupSeparation = 20, -- How close members of a group stay to the group's leader. Minimum=1 Maximum=10 Default=3 RallyGroupRadius = 3, }, }
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