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Posts posted by darthdraken

  1. Using a thick blanket to get through a broken window works, even a deas body along the base of the window would work.

    But the fastest way is with a baton. Smashing the window then flicking the baton around the edges usually clears most.of the glass out. Before entry, using gloves for grip and safety climb through on your boot so zerp chance of injury.

    But what about pvc double glazing? How does that work? It might be faster using a crow bar on the hinges of the window than braking the glass?

  2. The other.option would be a child bile trailer attached to the rear of a back, with tyre wheels. As quiet as any bike is a trailer and well transportable.

    Easy to build and attach, halfords sell them. I am sure you can find one in a soccer mums house some place.

    Easy to.convert replace the seat with a box

  3. I would like to see cars in the game but not for driving. More for creating blockades across streets, used for distracting zombies by setting off the car alarm by shooting at it from range.

    A resource ie batteries, head lamps, fuel for generators. Etc..evem hiding under when a hoard shuffles by.

    Blowing them up would be good too, rag in the petrol cap loacation add lighter and run the zombies past it, time it right and boom.

    As for driving no, not for me if you could drive then you would have when the first signs of zombieville happened.

    Also.a thing add cars to the highways gridlock style them long roads are way too clear and clean.

  4. I am on the other map and it has a shore line and river...

    Well if its not a shore line then its a wide river, ideal for flooding.

    I see on the news a lot of fires in america mainly on the west coast but if lets say a survivor leaves a camp fire burning during july whats to say it does not hit all them trees surrounding the town.

  5. Introducing a full level of weather would be hard but a very rewarding feature, everything from strong winds that can send objects flying and even damage your crops and house would be good. to fog that reduces visibility and even snow that muffles sound.

    types of stuff that will play a part on player, npc, and zombies senses.

    imagine a northerly breeze that is smelt by a zombie and its attracted by you just from that direction. :)


    in snow you can follow foot prints from a fellow npc, or hunt game. even step on a crawler you cant see under the snow.


    flooding that can hit the shore line.


    flash fires from the surrounding forests.


    oh and gradual bodies visibly rotting away in the street with flies buzzing in the hot summer sun.

  6. Animal.zombie is no

    like cat hiv its not transferable in the dna through blood ans fluids. So animals.are safe. Ferral works as no humans to curb them anymore.

    Now packs.of wild dogs could be more.dangerous than zombies.

    A flamethrower would be great against packs of feral animals.

  7. Ok then but does that mean you need training to use a weapon.


    Sword.. If not trained with it you have a real chance of hurting yourself with all the swinging.

    Also if you dont know the stats of a weapon then you must not know how to fire it. Clean it and make it safe.

    Knowing what your weapon can or cant do and how it performs is all part of training with a weapon.

    Training through reading books like guns and ammo mags would help. Also using weapons would help to improve your skill. Or being trained by a person with said experience.

    I know from experience an average assault rifle (example 5.56 british rifle) has an accurancy of around 30 meters, a mag size of 30 rounds and and auto and semi fire option. Now add on scopes or tactical sites then suppressors or even a longer barrel or under barrel grip. Has good and bad effects on a weapon.

    Then you have weather and firing it, weather can rust the gas parts and sliding block, and if you over oil it can create excess smoke when firing. And to top it off if not cleaned after every action is subject to jamming due to carbon build up around the breach and gas plug areas.

    So having a learn able tool tip for basic info would be a good idea.

    But thats my opinion.

  8. It would be nice to add delayed tool tips to the game. Ie mp5, range, condition, damage, accuracy, magazine size and ammo type.

    I was also thinking adding in actual weapon mags to the game.

    So firt you fill the mag with bullets then reload the weapon with the mag.

  9. A means to first transport the npc or zombie etc. And so you need a means to knock them out or tie them up.

    It would be good for enemy npc types. And also to interogate for vital info.

    For me a stun device then a way of carrying or dragging the target then locking up would be an interesting twist. Could bring in good and evil style game play.

    A means to first transport the npc or zombie etc. And so you need a means to knock them out or tie them up.

    It would be good for enemy npc types. And also to interogate for vital info.

    For me a stun device then a way of carrying or dragging the target then locking up would be an interesting twist. Could bring in good and evil style game play.

    But a MAJOR reason could be to see if an npc team member turns after being bitten. The turn can happen in a random time frame and last i want is an npc team mate bitten and able to turn at any moment. A form of control is needed when a person is bitten.

    I see a random chance system of infection playing a role in the game being important.

    Sorry my phone reposted. Lol

  10. Hi guys, been playing a lot of indie games under development for a while now and came across your game.

    I played it and liked it so bought it a few days ago.

    Upon playing several play thoughs i feel its missing a few simple things.

    First in the police station you have a jail with bars and well you cant see through them, would be nice to see through them and also, you could have zombies stretching their arms through.

    Also no keys for the cells having random bodies about with keys etc would be good for certain buildings.

    I loved the zombies attacking you when you open a door, falling over you. But how about some doors like toilet doors etc have a body pressed against them so you open and out falls a corpse scaring you.


    Would be good to have bodies slumped randomly around against windows and over desks so if you inspect the table the body falls off making a noise unless you move the body first.


    Would be nice to see a trashed town ie 28 days later already broken up. Bodies litter the streets and burnt out cars about. Fires smoldering and stuff.


    A sewer system under the towns would provide another level to the game.


    Being able bridge from one roof top to another would be good.


    Climbing drainpipes also optional.


    Being able to carry bodies over your shoulder and dump them.


    Using a hammer or other tools. Strip a door from a house and use it to board up another door.

    Same with park benches as they wooden and even furniture.


    Brings me to chairs tables fridges etc. Make furniture moveable so you can push in front of doors and windows.


    Using sheets to climb through a broken windows so you dont get cut.


    Wearable items like hats and protective gear. Fire suit. Army suit etc.


    Body armour from police bodies and soldiers.


    Face masks and goggles to protect from saliva.


    Setting fire to grass to burn areas.


    Combat webbing for extra carry capacity.


    Helmets and knee pads for combat and falling from heights.


    Having an actual sneak option ie animation of crouching even crawling about. For sneaking.


    Works benches for crafting stuff on and give quality bonus to products.


    Alarm style trip wires ect.


    Devices to make sound so they distract zombies.


    Flamable exlosive items. Gas cans etc so u can pour on ground and light.


    Throwable stones and objects for distraction.


    Spike traps like from walking dead series.


    Create ladders etc for entering top floor rooms.


    ability to smash through internal walls with axe's


    Fire extinguishers, for blunt weapons and putting out fires.


    Ability to push abandoned cars in to a blockade for defence. if you add cars...


    Finishing move ability complete with cool down bar.


    Fire Hydrants that can be hit with sledge hammer to spray areas with water to push over zombies.


    ability to vault over high walls using dust bins or other objects.


    Use if chains and padlocks for gates etc.


    Half eaten corpes all over the place.


    Dead npc diaries, explaining their last days. that can give clues to hidden stashes and locations.


    A mouse driven target for the mouse pointer, instead of shooting in the direction so you can deliver head shots using your skills not as an auto thing. Thing assault squad or the old soldiers of heroes.

    Creates a player reaction and panic skill level.


    Snoring trait.


    So far so good guys.

    Keep up the great work...


    will play another 80 hours worth, then will wait for the finished product. and slide it along side my other future games of, the dead linger, xenonaughts and more.

  11. I see the use of chain mail, or ring mail. and shark suits but they do have weight regardless of how its set across your body.

    true anything you wear as an item has a weight reduction in regards to carrying it as your wearing it and not holding it as your entire muscle system across your body shares the load. but if running over time you feel it..


    but I digress.


    for me being an ex british soldier we used what we called a noddy suit, a full cover nbc or chemical lead lined suit, and is very bite proof... and is used in combat where chemicals are used.


    radiation resistant, chemical resistant and cut or rip resistant, it would work for me, add it with proper tactical gloves used for rapid window entry, respirator and a helmet of choice it would be both quiet, flexible enough and hold in your bodies natural smell.

    you can live in the suit and well you do.


    only draw back is heat.... it retains heat, ideal for cold and wet as water proof too, but hat temps will make you perspire a lot.

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