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Everything posted by kookikaykitti

  1. kookikaykitti

    Quick start

    every time i click on join server it says "connection failed". anyone know why?
  2. kookikaykitti

    Quick start

    sounds fun!! but can someone please tell me how?! lol I know i have to go into online mode, but how do you get a server? I keep seeing all these server names but idk what i'm supposed to type in as mine. help! it asks for a beta access code. what would I type in?
  3. kookikaykitti

    Quick start

    theres multiplayer now?
  4. I made the makeshift sickle and i can't figure out how to cut the grass. I keep right clicking on the long grass and no option comes up.
  5. I'm still slowly learning about Project Zomboid, but I absolutely love it

  6. you just put it into the examplemod folder, right? I'm new at this stuff so I just want to make sure.
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