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Hueyluey's Achievements

  1. Suggestion 1: Make it so Zeds can brake cars/brake into cars. Exampels for this could be that they bash down the door and drag you out even if you are on the other seat of the car. (Too fix the very common exploit of burning zeds with 2 cars next too each other). Suggestion 2: Cars can catch on fire, may explode depending on amount of fuel in the gas tank. Suggestion 3: Would love to have a full control menu of Zeds speed. So abit more then what we have today. I think a Zed with speed between fast shambler and sprinter could be a fairly good option. (Today i feel like the jump between fast shambler and sprinter is quite a big one in difficulty) Suggestion 4: When Zeds cant find an entrance to your base they start hammering down the walls. This should obvisouly take alot longer then a door but would be a nice touch. Suggestion 5: When Zeds stack up in big numbers leaning on wall or a big fence. Having the fence crumble due too the numbers of zeds leaning/pushing against. In the end, thanks for this game it´s given me alot of joy and frustration. I love it
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