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  1. Any sandbox settings can be changed on admin sandbox panel on game, but it was amazing to change lore settings on unnatended way by rcon for example. What if we could change zombie lore on the fly, an admin command to reload these settings "reloadloresettings", or even a "reloadlua sandboxvar.lua" could reload only lore settings, no mods needed, just for the lore settings, then we could schedule some zombie events with no mod addiction
  2. Any moderator/developer saw this?? did you guyz realize this is a security breach that can be exploited?? any feedback guyz?
  3. Well guys let me try explain this, with this steps to reproduce a player name "sebastian" logged in on server a player name "Seb" logged in on server a RCON command or console command "godmode Seb" is input the player with the name "sebastian" received the godmode instead "Seb" its buggy to godmode and addxp commands and not case sensitives
  4. Please allow foraging in all map in 41.73, we can't search far from 200m from highway on west part of map, or the new areas on map, please allow us to use foraging in all map,
  5. how about to craft some leather canteen with a leather jacket from zombie or craft with mud and a fruit in forest with foraging (look the images attached) or any fluid reservatory, and allow fire just from tree branches, would allow to live from spawn in remote regions, since we could fever water in a firecamps, with foraging we could get an axe and a hammer and build without nails, if there's a trait of carpentry, to build things like a lego, just for the carpenter, the point is since from spawn to live in remote regions to hunt and fishing.
  6. dont getting the easy way, IRL you just saw with a screwdriver, in game or with a saw, or a corkscrew... could pair with some metalurgic skills, anyway we could craft this hollow ammo, the point is to give more chances to handgun combat, it would make sense to save a reloader full of hollow ammo, even rename it, and another to use normal ammo to zombies.
  7. when i say to saw a projectile i mean.. this... much more stopping power... and deadly critical damage, just need a saw, and about to crop wheat, i wanna see in vanilla, no mods.
  8. i like to saw a 9mm ammo or any hand gun projectile with a saw and increase his stopping power and deadly by any factor increasing 75% a chance of critical damage, 2 of 3 shots getting maximum damage, would be awesome for handgun use and combat, mainly against armored foes. a handgun could finally face a strong well armed enemies, and balance pvp on close combat. inside buildings on a handgun range. and plant wheat, and make flour and cook fresh bread, to eat a sandwich with fish or any meat .. just nut wheat and salt, would use garlic too remember bread can be made without yeast, that taco thin bread, all this on vanilla.
  9. Me too using debian 11 only vanilla no mods
  10. look this... the server is kicking everyone.. and then crash and close... anyone went through this
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