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Vassteel's Achievements

  1. While playing on the steam deck i found that i cannot use the sledgehammer to destroy walls unless my character is on the tile that the wall is on. I think the issue is the inability to move the Highlighted target square around and this also effects Building as you cannot rotate or snap the walls to a desired face Ide like to not have to burn down every gunshop if possible but thats the only option i can use to get inside lol
  2. im using the steamdeck. so far so good although despite missing L4,L5, R4, R5,
  3. so first off i would like to say that that with the new update the game itself is running great i haven't crashed yet. The issue im having is with the game creation menus at the start. Specifically with the menu for Job selection and the menu for character creation. I am unable to use any controller input (Dpad, trackpad, ect) to select anything in those two menus. currently my workaround is use a mouse or strugglebuss using the touch screen.
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