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Everything posted by Darkspryzen

  1. We all know hunting will come to the game soon, suggestion to that would be the ability to see tracks, to follow eather animals, maybe zombies and players or npc in the future. The ability should be implemented with the skill tree added soon. Depending on your level it will show you not all tracks. lvl 1 -> Zombies lvl 2 -> Animals lvl 3 -> NPC lvl 4 -> Players You will be able to see all tracks, but you wont be able to distuingish them. You will need a magazine for it or sth along the lines. This will greatly enhance hunting and will enhance player interaction. like following someone to their hideout. Also a skill to counteract it would be Track Hiding. Like the name implies, a skill to hide your tracks, with level system. depending on the level of the tracker, the tracker wont see your tracks if you the track hider have a higher lvl than your tracker. Track hiding is a manual work, so you will only move like you would be foraging or sneaking. I really just want to roleplay as Daryll Dixon ;^
  2. Servers get unstable, when map updates come from Project zomboid. Causing instabilities, servers usually proceed to hard wipe. Recommend feature to be able to select few chunks and save them external. Then when a new map is generated the files will be placed in again. Causing less trouble wiping the server. People who want to preserves their Bases will be able to do so. Would be a lot more practical. thanks
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