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Everything posted by kweli

  1. Ive played about 12 hours of this game and so far im really liking it. Game has massive potential but there are some things that will hold it back from major success...... Inventory Management - It just takes too long to shuffle everything around. Just filling a bowl with water takes a while: 1) take it out of your bag into your main inventory 2) fill it with water 3) move it back into your bag OR into a storage location Picking stuff from zombies or a house is just a test of patience.. why not a "All items near you"... Moving safe houses is such a choir that I don't even try anymore Maybe im wrong though, maybe people like these kind of micromanagement of inventory.. Diablo was famous for it, but even that was fairly painless... and by painless, i mean it wasn't a timesink
  2. Im fairly new to the game, put in about 12 hours so far and I feel it has big potential... My biggest gripe is that in those 12 hours i still havent found an axe.. So i cant build anything because I also cant find any wood anywhere. Ideally my character is from this town and he should have SOME idea where things are. I even walked so far off the map that I was in no-mans land.... so far out of civiliaztion that i just ended a 7 hour game because I didnt want to walk back.. There needs to be some type of map system, even if its just a hazy memory map... IE, firestation is in the north of here, etc...
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