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  1. While not the one you're replying to, I felt the need to make an account just because I'm more than a little disgusted by seeing this attitude from a mod on these forums. Found this thread after googling about the stun lock when three random zombies decided the house I was sitting in (that was completely dark, no radio or TV playing, windows and curtains closed, clean character with no injuries sitting and reading a book in the back bedroom with no windows) looked interesting and decided to break in for no apparent reason. I ended up getting locked into the attack animation loop after killing one of the zombies and killed with essentially no input available after the first shove whiffed for no apparent reason. As somebody relatively new, that doesn't make me feel like I did something wrong, that doesn't make me want to improve, that doesn't feel good or fun, that feels incredibly cheap and unfair. An animation shouldn't be able to perfectly chain with itself to completely disable player input. I am all for accepting that people can improve at games/it's not always the game's fault and fully recognize even in that scenario there are things I could have done differently. That said, the fact that it's possible at any point while fighting two zombies for the game to just decide "Haha, you're dead!" despite your stats, skills, or gear is terrible. It's shocking to me that anybody could defend it in any manner, that is one of the worst things you can do in terms of game design: Take away player agency. Seeing a mod on this forum essentially go "Get good and deal with it" makes me not want to play the game even further, particularly since that's been your attitude in other topics as well from what I've seen while looking at opinions on this.
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