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Everything posted by roniman

  1. Hi everyone! Sanga is a free 2 player puzzle game that takes the concept of connect 3 and adds new elements that makes it more fun and challenging, such as a 3D board and connecting using 2 possible characteristics. This is the first game that I created, so I would appreciate everyone checking it out and letting me know what they think. https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sanga/id957396065
  2. I'm assuming you meant "same" move...heh yes, I was repeating the trigger move, but I DO actually know how to cube.
  3. The dev team put a little something together. By no means is this the final version, but it shows how amazing the game will look! http://bit.ly/sangagame.
  4. really?! no one likes puzzle games here? anyone just want to try playing just for fun?
  5. Waffles ahead! I like waffles more, but if I am the one who has to make it, I prefer pancakes b/c the cleanup is easier.
  6. Couple of questions: 1. what's the difference between posting my project here vs in the WIP forum? 2. I see that I have a good amount of people viewing my post, but no feedback. Is it b/c people are not big puzzle gamers? or did I not create a compelling Kickstarter page? or is the holidays and I chose a poor time to ask for backers? Feel free to give any constructive feedback since I am very interested to hear what you have to say!
  7. Hi everyone! My name is Chi, and I am a math instructor. I developed a game for my students to teach them about 3D. The free game is called Sanga, and I would like to put on the iOS. This will be a free 2 player game where the first person to create 3 in a row has "Sanga". Now upon first glance, it looks like 3D Tic Tac Toe. However, there are a many aspects that makes this game very different, and a lot of fun. Here are a few: 1. The 3D board, known as the Qoob (pronounced "cube"), can be turned on all 3 axes! (That alone makes this game different than most 3D puzzle games, since most has 3D shapes played on a 2D board.) 2. There are 9 pieces to choose from, and any player can play any piece. 3. Each piece will have 2 characteristics to match from: color or shape. So if someone creates three in a row of the same color, they have Sanga. If someone creates three in a row of the same shape, they also have Sanga. This is a simple game to learn, but the challenge is just beginning! Sounds interesting? Read more and be a part of Kickstarter campaign here: http://bit.ly/sangagame. I believe that when Sanga is offered on iOS, it will change how puzzle games will be created in the future. If you're a fan of puzzle game, this is a must back! Thank you for any support/feedback!
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