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Everything posted by defused

  1. This RAM issue it's not related to GTXGaming services, it's due to the Garbage Collector that Zomboid it's using. Zomboid uses the Z Garbage Collector (ZGC) by default on Windows 10 systems (Win 2019/2022) and the G1 Garbage Collector by default on Windows 7 (Win 2006) systems, the ZGC uses 60% more RAM (exponentially) than the G1GC, since GTXGaming mainly uses Windows 2019/2022 machines Zomboid selects ZGC by default, making the RAM usage skyrocket! If server provider X it's using less RAM than server provider Y for the exact same server setup, it's because they are using Windows 2006 or older or forcing G1GC by default on their servers. (Some server providers use Linux machines, not sure what Linux systems use by default, RAM and Garbage Collector wise to compare with Windows). - ZGC Usage - G1GC Usage - Memory usage between GTXGaming Game Panel / Windows Java.exe process Working set memory and Zomboid Admin Panel Statistics. With this being said, if you have a GTXGaming server and your RAM usage it's too high, give it a go on G1GC, with your server stopped, enable it from inside the Start.bat side. Enjoy!
  2. If you can check about the ports please, we have around 3000 servers online, if ports get removed we will probably have a lot of servers crashing between them if we can't define unique ports per server, same issue will apply to any game server provider around the world.
  3. With game files validate and also game reinstallled the same error happens, this is on a dedicated server fresh downloaded from unstable branch, the only way around it's disabling lua check on the dedicated server ini file, i'm also seeing more reports about this same issue i'm not alone seems. DoLuaChecksum=false On a side note, i also noticed the new INI config file has the SteamPorts removed, if you add them server wipes them on start, are SteamPorts defined automatically now on 41.66 ? If not, it will probably cause issues on machines hosting multiple dedicated servers. SteamPort1= SteamPort2=
  4. Having this file missing issue on dedicated server, anyone with same ?
  5. I rented at GTXGaming and playing on it already!
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