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Everything posted by ProudNoob

  1. To not waste ur save, u can temporarily increase the vehicles power to solve this problem (thts what i did for my save). To do this, just go to game folder and change vehicle scripts: e.g. C:\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\scripts\vehicles Every vehicle has a separate script and u can change horsepower of any: e.g https://imgur.com/a/SCO51vE I personally suggest to increase +550hp for heavies +450hp for cars
  2. After like 20h of testing different features of 41.54, I would say it is a really impressive update. However, there are some issues that can be addressed easily: 1) Dunno why but vehicles have less power than it used to be. Could be related to sound update? Moreover, vehicles have much more torque if it goes backward which makes sense if the reverse top speed is lower than the 1st gear top speed. Since I was not able to test it cause the automatic transmission, atm it feels weird. 2) Ambient sound setting seems do not work. I tried to lower the ambient volume and it did not make any difference. 3) Vehicle engine sounds are kinda jet turbine. I tried to check the sound files and edit them but failed. I have no exp. on Lua at all. Samples sound good but in-game they are definitely weird. 4) I edited rpm script for VAN, though it did not make huge difference but at least I can keep playing. 5) I changed my mind about combat sounds, they are fine once you get use to them. 6) Vehicle RPM does not work as usual. Normally, it should be go up according to speed. But it is going up regardless the speed of the vehicle atm. It feels like every vehicle has a clutch problem. Thats all for now, wish u all good day ladies and gentlemen!
  3. Unfortunately, vehicles sound "lets say" not good. Especially, the van. It feels like ur driving smth powered by jet turbine. Sometimes u cannot even understand if the vehicle is running or not on idle. Other than that the update brought amazing sound improvements. The game feels way more immersive. Great success! Edit: Well, combat sounds are way worse than vehicle sounds... I tried crowbar and knife so far, just bad. Moreover can't hear zeds from distance as it used to be.
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