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  1. @Tchernobill Thank you very much. I checked "character:getAlreadyReadBook" and unfortunately the map is included in this list and the content. Also, I am still hoping to determine from the map information whether the map has been read or not, since it is common in the saved data.
  2. I would like to make a mod (Lua) to check if a map is read or not. Could you please add the following method so that we can check the status of the map on the Lua side? zombie.worldMap.WorldMapVisited#isKnownInCell zombie.worldMap.WorldMapVisited#isKnownInSquare
  3. When GhostMode is turned on in 41.66, it is no longer possible to play sounds except in debug mode. Please provide a mechanism that allows the sound to be played while GhostMode is turned on, even outside of debug mode. I want to have "ghost mode but sound" in my mod, but this debug option is debug mode only and can't be changed, so I can't achieve my requirement. For example, the following mod used ghost mode to reproduce "stealth". https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2762398967 Please consider this, best regards.
  4. @nasKo This change makes me very sad. I want to have "ghost mode but sound" in my mod, but this debug option is debug mode only and can't be changed, so I can't achieve my requirement. For example, the following mod used ghost mode to reproduce "stealth". https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2762398967 Can you please set the default to True, or can you change this setting in the mod so that it is enabled even when not in debug mode? Best regards.
  5. I'm sorry for the known issues! I want to handle this info in my Mod and look forward to the fix
  6. Hi devs. In Multiplay, the "Training Materials" status is not persistent. To be more precise, it seems to happen only in Multiplay, not in Singleplay. Also, in Multiplay, there is no problem with "Skills" and "Recipes", but only with "CD", "VHS", and "Home VHS". For example, I watched VHS in the game, and the name of VHS is activated to white. But when I quit the game and rejoin, the name is returned grayed out. However, for example, a VHS that gives me EXP is shown as unrated, but if I watch it again, I will not get any EXP. So I think this may be a display problem with the "Training Materials" list. Please confirm this, best regards.
  7. I don't know which version it is, but the Trait icon override is now disabled. Specifically for the "burglar" Traits, previously, I prepared the following "media/ui/Traits/trait_burglar.png" in the Mod folder, then the icon would be overridden and the new icon would be displayed in the game screen. However, in the latest version (41.55), the overridden log is displayed in the console log, but the original icon is displayed in the game. [02-10-21 02:36:21.265] LOG : Mod , 1633109781265> loading P4ThiefExpansion. [02-10-21 02:36:21.268] LOG : Mod , 1633109781268> mod "P4ThiefExpansion" overrides media/lua/shared/translate/en/contextmenu_en.txt. [02-10-21 02:36:21.268] LOG : Mod , 1633109781268> mod "P4ThiefExpansion" overrides media/lua/shared/translate/en/ui_en.txt. [02-10-21 02:36:21.268] LOG : Mod , 1633109781268> mod "P4ThiefExpansion" overrides media/lua/shared/translate/jp/contextmenu_jp.txt. [02-10-21 02:36:21.268] LOG : Mod , 1633109781268> mod "P4ThiefExpansion" overrides media/lua/shared/translate/jp/ui_jp.txt. [02-10-21 02:36:21.269] LOG : Mod , 1633109781269> mod "P4ThiefExpansion" overrides media/ui/traits/trait_burglar.png. Please check this problem, thank you. Best regards. Peil
  8. I was able to change the icon by overwriting the existing profession. local MyMod.DoProfessions = function() local burglar = ProfessionFactory.addProfession("burglar", getText("UI_prof_Burglar"), "MY_TEXTURE_NAME", -6); burglar:addXPBoost(Perks.Nimble, 2) burglar:addXPBoost(Perks.Sneak, 2) burglar:addXPBoost(Perks.Lightfoot, 2) burglar:addFreeTrait("Burglar"); BaseGameCharacterDetails.SetProfessionDescription(burglar) end Events.OnGameBoot.Add(DoProfessions); I've achieved what I want to do, but I understand this is a highly dependent way. So, I would like to continue requesting icon changes. Best regards. Peil
  9. I want to change the icon of an existing profession. I checked the vanilla Java code and found that the zombie.characters.professions.ProfessionFactory$ Profession class had a setIconPath method. I tried to specify my own icon path with this method, but it couldn't changed. In vanilla, it seems that the texture of the icon is set only at the time of instantiation. Isn't it possible to change the texture by executing this setIconPath on the vanilla side? Or if there is another way to change the icon, please let me know. Best regards. Peil
  10. As the title says, I would like to extend the above two attributes. I want to realize a situation where "the player cannot be seen by the zombies, but sound-playable". Invisible can be achieved with Vanilla's GhostMode and InvisibleMode, but the latest vanilla codes are silent. I also checked the Java implementation, but I thought it was impossible to "make an invisible but sound-playable". (SoundEmitter return 0L with no sound whenever Ghost/Invisible mode on) For example, GhostMode: Invisible & no sound InvisibleMode: Invisible & sound-playable. please consider to extend it like above. Best regards.
  11. @nasKo Thank you for your reply, and solved my issue by IntelliJ IDEA
  12. A little progress has been made on this issue. Based on the thread below, I was able to decompile by ZIP-compressing the source file. JD no longer available? However, I am in trouble because the outline of the class information is not displayed (null). To devs @nasKo Reading Java source files is the easiest way to understand Mod development, so could you please investigate to this issue? I'm sorry if this problem is my environmental problem. Best regards.
  13. Is it possible to decompile Java class files after Build 41.51 with JD-GUI? After selecting the file, it remains unresponsive without any errors. I am using the following version of JD-GUI and the class files before 41.50 can be displayed normally. I tried changing the JDK to Java 15 but it didn't improve. Any ideas? Java Decompiler JD-GUI version 1.6.6 JD-Core version 1.1.3
  14. Hi devs, thanks for great game. I'm just starting develop Mods and sorry if this is known issue. I found problem about 51 or more items. On 51 or more items, Open Item and select header and execute any function (Ex. Favorite). Then, the function will be executed for other items that exceed 50, too. I have found this issue on Built 41.50, and new release 41.51 has also this issue yet. This is my guess, but in ISInventoryPane.lua, the processing when the number exceeds 51 is written, but I think that the equivalent processing is leaked in this case. I have attached screenshots for supplement. Please check it, thank you.
  15. I want to change character's alpha and overlay color in B41. Let me ask you 2 questions. [Question 1] I tried change IsoPlayer:setAlpha, and it was available for temporary change. Temporary... I mean it could be set my specified alpha value but return to original value (1.0) soon. I need permanent change so I tried some method, and I found like below. MySandbox.OnPlayerUpdate = function(player) player:setAlpha(0.1) end Events.OnPlayerUpdate.Add(MySandbox.OnPlayerUpdate) I could have done it this way, but I think it's a very forcibly way. I'm worry about game-performance (especially rendering). Is there any other "smart" way to realize? [Question 2] I also want to change character's overlay color. I tried using "CustomeColor" below, but could not change. MySandbox.OnPlayerUpdate = function(player) player:setCustomColor(ColorInfo.new(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) player:transmitCustomColor() end Events.OnPlayerUpdate.Add(MySandbox.OnPlayerUpdate) Is there any way to change overlay color?
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