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Posts posted by asierus24

  1. On 11/29/2023 at 9:18 PM, Nuno said:

    Hello friend, did you manage to solve your problem? I'm going through the same situation and don't know what to do.

    sorry for not responding, yes the issue was that i forgot  to "define" the model used, i leave you here a example code of the car working:   (but basically the issue was that  i forgot to define the first "model Vehicles_93jeepcherokeee" section  which is later used to set up the model for the car a few lines below)

    module Base
    	model Vehicles_93jeepcherokeee
    		mesh = vehicles/Vehicles_93jeepcherokeee,
    		shader = vehicle_multiuv,
    		invertX = FALSE,
    		scale = 0.4519,
    	vehicle 93jeepcherookeerangerlb1test
    		mechanicType = 2,
    		engineRepairLevel = 5,
    		playerDamageProtection = 1.3,
    		offRoadEfficiency = 1.20,
    			file = Vehicles_93jeepcherokeee,
    			scale = 1.8500,
    			offset = 0.0000 0.3568 0.0000,
    		spawnOffsetY = 0.30724707,
    			texture = Vehicles/vehicle_93jeepcherokeeparkranger2lb,
    			texture = Vehicles/vehicle_93jeepcherokeeparkrangershelllightbar,
    			soundSiren = VehicleSiren,
    			leftCol = 1;0;0,
    			rightCol = 0;0;1,
    		textureMask = Vehicles/vehicle_93jeepcherokeeparkranger2lb_mask,
    		textureLights = Vehicles/vehicle_93jeepcherokeeparkranger2lb_lights,
    		textureDamage1Overlay = Vehicles/fr_Veh_Blood_Mask,
    		textureDamage2Overlay = Vehicles/fr_Veh_Blood_Hvy,
    		textureDamage1Shell = Vehicles/fr_Veh_Damage1,
    		textureDamage2Shell = Vehicles/fr_Veh_Damage2,
    		textureRust = Vehicles/fr_Veh_Rust,
    			engine = VehicleEngineSUV,
    			engineStart = VehicleEngineSUV,
    			engineTurnOff = VehicleEngineSUV,
    			horn = VehicleHornStandard,
    			ignitionFail = VehicleIgnitionFailSUV,
    		extents = 0.7892 0.6378 1.9027,
    		shadowOffset = 0.0000 0.0108,
    		mass = 1000,
    		physicsChassisShape = 0.7892 0.6378 1.9027,
    		centerOfMassOffset = 0.0000 0.3189 0.0108,
    		shadowExtents = 0.7892 1.9027,
    		engineForce = 4700,
    		maxSpeed = 90f,
    		engineLoudness = 100,
    		engineQuality = 75,
    		brakingForce = 95,
    		stoppingMovementForce = 4.0f,
    		rollInfluence = 1.0f,
    		steeringIncrement = 0.04,
    		steeringClamp = 0.3,
    		suspensionStiffness = 40,
    		suspensionCompression = 3.83,
    		suspensionDamping = 2.88,
    		maxSuspensionTravelCm = 10,
    		suspensionRestLength = 0.20f,
    		wheelFriction = 1.4f,
    		frontEndHealth = 150,
    		rearEndHealth = 150,
    		seats = 4,
    		wheel FrontLeft
    			front = true,
    			offset = 0.3027 -0.3622 0.6541,
    			radius = 0.12f,
    			width = 0.2f,
    		wheel FrontRight
    			front = true,
    			offset = -0.3027 -0.3622 0.6541,
    			radius = 0.12f,
    			width = 0.2f,
    		wheel RearLeft
    			front = false,
    			offset = 0.3027 -0.3622 -0.5514,
    			radius = 0.12f,
    			width = 0.2f,
    		wheel RearRight
    			front = false,
    			offset = -0.3027 -0.3622 -0.5514,
    			radius = 0.12f,
    			width = 0.2f,
    		template = PassengerSeat4,
    		passenger FrontLeft
    			position inside
    				offset = 0.1784 -0.1459 -0.0216,
    				rotate = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000,
    			position outside
    				offset = 0.6432 -0.4649 0.2162,
    				rotate = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000,
    				area = SeatFrontLeft,
    		passenger FrontRight
    			position inside
    				offset = -0.1784 -0.1459 0.0216,
    				rotate = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000,
    			position outside
    				offset = -0.6432 -0.4649 0.2162,
    				rotate = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000,
    				area = SeatFrontRight,
    		passenger RearLeft
    			position inside
    				offset = 0.1784 -0.1459 -0.3946,
    				rotate = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000,
    			position outside
    				offset = 0.6432 -0.4649 -0.2541,
    				rotate = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000,
    				area = SeatRearLeft,
    		passenger RearRight
    			position inside
    				offset = -0.1784 -0.1459 -0.3946,
    				rotate = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000,
    			position outside
    				offset = -0.6432 -0.4649 -0.2541,
    				rotate = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000,
    				area = SeatRearRight,
    		area Engine
    			xywh = 0.0000 1.1892 0.9514 0.4757,
    		area TruckBed
    			xywh = 0.0000 -1.1784 0.9514 0.4757,
    		area SeatFrontLeft
    			xywh = 0.6324 0.1243 0.4757 0.4757,
    		area SeatFrontRight
    			xywh = -0.6324 0.1243 0.4757 0.4757,
    		area SeatRearLeft
    			xywh = 0.6324 -0.3514 0.4757 0.4757,
    		area SeatRearRight
    			xywh = -0.6324 -0.3514 0.4757 0.4757,
    		area GasTank
    			xywh = 0.6324 -0.7838 0.4757 0.4757,
    		area TireFrontLeft
    			xywh = 0.6324 0.6595 0.4757 0.4757,
    		area TireFrontRight
    			xywh = -0.6324 0.6595 0.4757 0.4757,
    		area TireRearLeft
    			xywh = 0.6324 -0.5514 0.4757 0.4757,
    		area TireRearRight
    			xywh = -0.6324 -0.5514 0.4757 0.4757,
    		template = TrunkDoor,
    		part TrunkDoor
    			table install
    				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,
    			table uninstall
    				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,
    		template = Trunk/part/TruckBed,
    		template = Seat/part/SeatFrontLeft,
    		template = Seat/part/SeatFrontRight,
    		template = Seat/part/SeatRearLeft,
    		template = Seat/part/SeatRearRight,
    		part Seat*
    			table install
    				skills = Mechanics:2,
    				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,
    			table uninstall
    				skills = Mechanics:2,
    				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,
    		template = GloveBox,
    		template = GasTank,
    		part GasTank
    				skills = Mechanics:7,
    				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,
    				skills = Mechanics:7,
    				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,
    		template = Battery,
    		template = Engine,
    		template = Muffler,
    		part Muffler
    			table install
    				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,
    			table uninstall
    				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,
    		template = EngineDoor,
    		part EngineDoor
    			table install
    				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,
    			table uninstall
    				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,
    		part Heater
    			category = engine,
    				update = Vehicles.Update.Heater,
    		part PassengerCompartment
    			category = nodisplay,
    				update = Vehicles.Update.PassengerCompartment,
    		template = Windshield/part/Windshield,
    		template = Windshield/part/WindshieldRear,
    		part Windshield*
    			table install
    				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,
    			table uninstall
    				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,
    		template = Window/part/WindowFrontLeft,
    		template = Window/part/WindowFrontRight,
    		template = Window/part/WindowRearLeft,
    		template = Window/part/WindowRearRight,
    		part Window*
    			table install
    				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,
    			table uninstall
    				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,
    		template = Door/part/DoorFrontLeft,
    		template = Door/part/DoorFrontRight,
    		template = Door/part/DoorRearLeft,
    		template = Door/part/DoorRearRight,
    		part Door*
    			table install
    				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,
    			table uninstall
    				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,
    		template = Tire,
    		part Tire*
    			model InflatedTirePlusWheel
    				file = Vehicles_WheelFROR1,
    		template = Brake,
    		part Brake*
    			table install
    				skills = Mechanics:6,
    				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,
    			table uninstall
    				skills = Mechanics:6,
    				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,
    		template = Suspension,
    		part Suspension*
    			table install
    				skills = Mechanics:6,
    				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,
    			table uninstall
    				skills = Mechanics:6,
    				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,
    		template = Radio,
    		template = Headlight,
    		attachment trailer
    			offset = 0.0000 -0.2757 -0.9514,
    			rotate = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000,
    			zoffset = -1.0000,
    		attachment trailerfront
    			offset = 0.0000 -0.2757 0.9730,
    			rotate = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000,
    			zoffset = 1.0000,


  2. Well im making some weapons and all worked fine, models showed and managed to create a Sight attachment for it, it works as intended as long as you have it equipped but if you drop it on the ground it becomes a big sight! (only happens when weapon has the sight atached, otherwise both models work fine when not attached as shown on the next pictures) any ideas on how to fix?




    thanks in advance, 





    All works fine until you attach the sight to the rifle and try to drop it on ground (equipped shows fine)




  3. I was making some testing to add top lightbars to a custom textured 93 jeep cherokee from Filibuster's awesome mod so i went ahead and imported the model Vehicles_93jeepcherokee.fbx in to blender then i added the light bar to the top , all looked fine even on windows 3d visor (got textures done too), but then ingame i get only a black shadow when i spawn the vehicle.


    Ingame black shadow;



    in blender:



    in 3d visor:



    the model is located on media\models_X\vehicles of my mod and i get a console error that says: ERROR: Animation   , 1661092289508> 656.152.936> ModelManager.addVehicle> Failed to find vehicle model: Vehicles_93jeepcherokeeparkrangerlgoffroadLB


    even exported it as tubetarakan said on his tutorial which i think its the most recent one



    Also tried to export it without the texture material, and got the same result.



    file paths:


    Textures: SpecialEmergencyVehicles\media\textures\Vehicles\ used textures/light/masks images


    the code for the car on scripts\vehicles: 93jeepcherokeeparkrangerLB.txt

    Obviously Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars! Is loaded cos is a requirement of my mod 


    Anyone can tell me whats wrong ?



    [SOLVED]  fix on comments :)

  4. Update progress (not released yet):
    -Fixed Power station roof entrance which was blocked by barrels.
    -Added missing lightswitches on power station offices and other places.
    -Fixed layers on some sandbags and other items.
    -Added 2 new cells expanding more to the east and started work on La Grange.
    -Added more custom tilesets made by me.

  5. This is my first map for zomboid, report any issues you may find.

    Adds Trimble County Power Station and extends the area following east highway of Louisville up to La Grange.






    Trimble County Power Station (vaguely based on real one)
    La Grange (vaguely based on real one) and surroundings.
    New unique buildings made by me and the community.
    Some custom tiles made by me.
    Uses some tiles from the community (Requirements)
    Themed zombies will spawn on the appropiate areas, for example factory workers on factory.
    Ingame map support (except for buildings atm, still trying to make them appear )
    Has military vehicle spawns on some places, like the roadblock. (only works if you have any military type vehicle mod like Filisbuster's)
    No spawnpoints, maybe add them in future if people want them.
    Foragin zones.



    -Daddy Dirkie dirks tiles: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2337452747

    -Fantasiado's More Street Details: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2554699200

    -Throttlekitty's tiles: https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2384329562



    -As with other maps mods, if you visited the adyacent cells, the map may not appear, if that happens you need to start a new game.( this includes early versions of this map)


    Future plans:

    -add more details to the map (taking suggestions).





    Pd: I known that Trimble County Power Station it's located further north near the Ohio river but i prefered to add it to the Louisville east highway area instead of the middle of nowhere without roads.



    Uses 50x11,50x10,51x11,51x10,52x11,52x12,53x11,53x10,54x11 and 54x10 cells and will not be compatible with any mod that modifies these cells.


    Thanks to the creators of the required mods for creating such nice tiles.

    Thanks to the creators of the community buildings.
    Also thanks to RingoD123 on the forums for the tutorials on mapping.

  6. Hello, im was looking for the sandbag tiles for my map and can't find them, i assume that they are here but they refuse to load: (picture below)


    i used the latest tiles here: 

    anyone known where are the sandbags? or how to fix those tiles.  thanks in advance.


  7. I made some custom tiles for my map, but they don't show ingame.  i also made some signs and they work just fine in game but these new ones not, don't known why these don't load ingame.


    as you can see they  work fine on editor but they don't load ingame but the others i made on the same pack file work just fine. 

    i have added them to the .pack file following this tutorial:


    the first ones i added work just fine but the second tileset don't and i did the same process :(  (they are not wall overlays as i stated on the pictures they are just tilesets.)


    maybe have something to do with the .tiles file? 


    also i noticed that when i added some flood lamps from the vanilla lightning_outdoor_01 they also don't show :(


    thanks in advance.

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  8. On 9/1/2020 at 6:14 PM, Tashendal said:

    Hi all! I solved the problem. But a new question arose. What needs to be registered in 'Properties' so that the tile of the window cleared of glass starts working. Now, after cleaning the broken window from the glass, the entire wall disappears.

    how you fixed it? i have the exact same problem :(

  9. It's there a way to force a determinated type of vehicle like police on the parking stalls? im trying to do a checkpoint on the road and i need that cars that spawn are 100% police cars, i already tried naming the stall "police" but it spawns normal cars too.


    Also im having trouble to make game load some custom tiles used on the tilezed editor, the game loads the pack file but some the custom textures used don't show ingame, on the other hand, some custom tiles used on the map like custom road signs etc work just fine. 


    all the custom textures/sprites/tiles work fine on the editor :(



    **I have made the.pack file placed it on the correct folder and referenced it on the mods file just in case anyone thinks not :) also the logs don't send any error related to my new tilesets as i fixed all of them**



    thanks in advance 

    MISSING TXT2.png

    MISSING TXT1.png

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