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Everything posted by DiviChang

  1. This idea stemmed from watching a video called "After DayZ" by Corridor Digital, where near the end of the video, the character runs in a snowy forest, in the pitch black with nothing but a road flare illuminating his surroundings, while being chased by zombies. I thought of this feature being added to the game. This idea can work for either road flares, or flare guns. Road flares shouldn't be common and can only be found in military vehicles and emergency responders, such as police, firefighter, and ambulances. Road flares can last 10 - 60 min, but for gameplay reasons it should last an hour. If in the game in order to use a flare, equip in primary and press the button you would use to turn on a flashlight. And if you want to throw it, just hold right click, and left click where you are aiming. Flares can be used to distract zombies. If in the future the devs decides to allow us to pour gasoline on the ground, you can use the flare to ignite it. Bright and can be seen far away. If not needed as a light source, you can dismantle for crafting materials for traps. Since flares will attract zombies, its a risk if you should continue holding the flare for visibility but the zombies continue following you, (assuming that's your only source of light), or throw it to get the zombies away from you but lose visibility.
  2. That would make sense as people have different pain tolerance. I like it.
  3. Add the feature for the character to make "noises" when taking damage, and from what damage you get dictates how loud your character makes. It doesn't make sense for my character to be a silent badass and take a broken leg like a champ. At the least when taking any significant damage you should be screaming in pain. This adds one more level of consideration when fighting zombies, if you fight zombies you run the risk of getting hurt and potentially attracting more zeds to you. This doesn't apply to exercise fatigue. This is how I'm planning this would work out. Minor pain/ scratches - Character gasps or grunts similar to a whisper range. Pain/ Laceration - Sound level should be higher than whisper but lower than yelling Severe Pain/ Deep wound - Yell in pain Agony/ fracture & Burns - Scream in pain and continuous grunts until medical treatment Traits to accommodate the feature: Suggested by Furizu Positive: Stoic [-4] Able to endure pain more silently Negative: Wimp [+4] Doesn't like and can't stand pain.
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