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Rain Tumbler

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Everything posted by Rain Tumbler

  1. I absolutely love the new beta. Everything I've wanted, you've added. I've been playing pz since the building was first added and i'm so so so excited for the update to be completed. The new movement is stellar, visible damage to your clothing and injuries visibly hindering your movement is wonderful and adds a whole new layer of immersion. The new weapons are amazing, the addition of different one handed weapons and two handed weapons was something i've wanted for sooooo long. As of right now this is one of the best zombie games I've played to date. There is, though, a few grievances i have with the game in its current state, I'll try to keep this list somewhat organized. Character Models: The hairstyles for the women are great, but any hat you put on the women with long hair forces you into ponytail hairstyle. when going into stabbing animation, stabbed zombies will freeze before instantly switching to dead on the ground. Sprinting is a toggle (not sure if this is intended) meaning that you have to let go of wasd completely to stop sprinting. Zombies: When zombies drop down from an above floor and hit the ground they are able to move immediately. This has already ended one run i was really invested in. This isn't much to actually do with zombies but when you go up stairs you cant see zombies that could be just standing at the top until they are actually attacking. The zombies' pathfinding makes it a little hard to shake them. For instance, like crouch-jogging into trees and making a full 90 degree turn and getting a good distance away before they could have had a chance to see you, they will still follow you. This gives them a feeling more akin to bots rather than zombies. (In my opinion, they should go the direction they last saw you headed.) When you set off a loud noise (house alarm, police siren, Etc.) and sneak a distance away successfully, zombies seem to move toward the sound only when you are near. Some zombies are able to push one another and the zombie being pushed is able to attack while moving. When leading zombies around corners they can get stuck on the corner and just stop moving entirely. Killing a zombie that's an owner of a storage facility should drop a sort of master key to gain access to the other units that otherwise you'd have to break down the garage door to get in. Map: Privacy Fences around the map have no cutaways, making seeing zombies standing next to them virtually invisible until they step out. In Riverside, the bar next to the Churns-r-us, has a outdoor patio on the second floor with no floor. Clothing: This is less of a problem and more of a suggestion. clothing getting damaged should gradually reduce insulation and and protection, to incentivize repair or replacement. Clothing stores usually have no clothes. (i understand good clothing should be somewhat rare, but every clothing store i have gone in has like two pairs of pants and a shirt.) Lockers in a profession building should have chance to have clothing related to said profession (like police trooper outfits in police station locker rooms) (also a suggestion less of a problem) It would be neat if zombies could damage your bag from the back and items could have more of a chance to fall out the more damage it takes. (this could incentivize repair and add another layer of realism.) Weapons: It seems that the default red axe is still the strongest melee weapon. (i played when the meta was lumberjack, run to hardware store, grab axe and swing) It would be nice if its damage was toned down a bit. Katana seems a bit too powerful(isn't that bad since it seems this one is rare) the hunting knife seems too under powered for what it is. That's all i've noticed for now. I really love the regular updates and community presence you guys have. I really appreciate you guys and the game you've made. Please keep up the good work!
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