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Everything posted by realdead_man

  1. That seems perfectly safe and totally wont lead to "super zombies." ha ha ha ha ha ha
  2. OK. I have been trying for 2 hours. I tried stacks of 30,50,75,100,and 150. I give up. How do you box nails?
  3. I understand the point, but it just reduces my play time. I only have so much free time, and watching the progress bar for moving whatever makes me want to quit. (and do some self improvement) lol Same with eating,and cooking, to an extent.
  4. "If you're worried about your beautiful safe house you can always start a new character on the same save and go back to building" .Completely forgot about that. I been starting a "new" game everytime I died.
  5. IMHO, IT takes a little too long to transfer items from inventory to storage and vice versa. EXAMPLE transferring 100 bullets takes over a minute. Very unrealistic. AGAIN, my opinion only
  6. Well, maybe the planed "armor' will address the issue I am trying to talk about. (not very clearly) It is very sucky to spent X hours building up a safe house, leveling up, ETC., only to turn. Right now, it is very easy to get zombified. And that puts off semi-casual players. Of which, by necessity, I am.
  7. Nobody likes pay-to-win. If you have extra money, I am sure accounts@projectzomboid.com will tell you how to give it.
  8. I know from reading the YES?NO list, that no zombie cure is planned (Assuming zombie cure is for the player) How about a zombie retardant? Something you can take every X amount of time to not die? Maybe rare/hard to make -ish?
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