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Everything posted by Kyuki

  1. If you're still having issues, best thing to do is go into your save folder and delete everything. Create a new character, quit, and see if the issue persists. You have to be out of the game to do it because you won't be able to delete some of the saves while PZ is running.
  2. I think I found another issue. I restarted PZ, started a new game under Apocalypse and now I can't load my previous save with the screenshot up above. It loads the newest one and for some reason is listing it as a Sandbox game. PZ saves.zip
  3. This is currently my 5th or 6th run in the new beta branch under IWBUMS and for some reason zombies are spawning in as a pile of clothes. Completely vanilla and the only thing I've changed in my sandbox save was how many hours a day/night cycle was (switched to real-time) and XP modified to 1.2. Only until they react to me or I'm up close do the models reset and are visible. Seems to be only happening inside buildings. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/773986233356686267/09BF8A23B512C250D9E351E4E342B61C349347FF/
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