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Ayrton Orio

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Everything posted by Ayrton Orio

  1. I took me around 4 or 5 hours to do the landscape map and the vegetation map, but there was a lot of growing pains: for instance for some reason gravel and asphalt don't interpolate together, so I had to avoid asphalt/gravel contacts. There was also a lot of problems regarding wrong colors (or unstable) and antialiasing. I still have to identify more accurately the type of vegetations produced (I feel that the boccage structure is too scattered at the moment) and if possible expand on the variety of tiles produced. If i were to do a whole other region of a similar size (which is the point eventually) I think it would take me around 1h30 2h now. Thank you Lemmy! I will try to post tonight the first prototype for normandie house type!
  2. Hello everybody, I have been a big fan of project zomboid for quite a while now and since the beginning I have been fantasizing about a PZ in a European environment. I tried to create a small part of the coastline near Cherbourg. It's my first map on PZ. Eventually I would like to cover the whole area around Cherbourg with the nuclear power plant in the West (La Haie) and the more rural and fishing area in the East. But that's something that will be possible only when the creative mod is avaiale as the region covered is too big for manual editing. I had several objectives while creating this map: - Fun roads. I have been very impressed by the vehicle update and it is clear that vehicles will become an essential part of the gameplay. But in the current maps, roads are straight, and not very varied, so I tried to bring the spirit of small French roads, with many branches. Also I have reproduced the "boccage" structure of the fields so when you drive around you can't necessarily see inside the crop fields which I think gives incentive to stop from the car and have a look around by feet. - Interesting coastline. I went for a "lande"-ish coastline as it is hard to give a sense of elevation. For now it looks very empty but I'm planning to make new vegetation for this specifically. I'm planning on adding new tiles also, the goals is to use the vanilla tileset as much as possible but I have started making a new tileset. I'm also planning, but for much later, to make boats. I already have one or two models that are close to completion. (sail yacht and motor yacht) I guess it should be doable to create one out of the template from the vehicle. (big assumption, I could be very wrong) I had a few questions for people used to mod maps: - Is it possible to apply a vegetation biome using WorldEd? For now I have only pine trees, which are not really adequate for my environment. I would like to have fruit trees and such. Is it something I have to do manually? - I had seen a while ago a video where you could see a developer scatter vegetation on the fly, is it something that exists within tilezed or it's a future feature of the creative mod? - Is there a centralized DB with all .tmx building created by the comumnity? I wish to consult and contribute! - Is there any "populate" tool in Tilezed that I should know about before getting started? Like for roads for instance? - Do you have any piece of advice for me? Remarks, suggestions...? TLDR: I'm making a new map based on Normandy, France Thank you for reading
  3. When you mentioned needs in art, would a gradually snow covered tileset help? Or were you more mentioning the snow particles?
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