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Everything posted by Orman

  1. Name - Richard Cheug Race - East Asian Age(18 to 40) - 30 Sex - Male Role/Division - CDC Scientist Character bio- Born in London to a pair of Chinese Academics, Alexander's first passion was Physics. He graduated from Imperial College London with a master's degree in Theoretical Physics but due to circumstances, he spent 6 years as a city trader instead of becoming a scientist. He decided that the empty life of a city high-flyer was not for him and returned to academia in University College London to obtain a Phd specializing in Biophysics. He became engrossed in the mathematical modeling of DNA. Richard has just attended a conference trip to the CDC center in Atlanta and was travelling to visit a friend in Louisville when the proverbial brown fecal substance hit the rotary air circulation unit. Fleeing from a particularly gruesome scene on a highway, he crept around abandoned houses, living off canned food before reaching a police station. Observing evidence of life, he approached cautiously... Time Zone- GMT Usually Online- Whenever I have time.
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