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Everything posted by NagashUD

  1. You can play without finding an axe, cigs in containers are limited, after smoked the 40 cigs, if you are not able to find any, or a pack every 500 zombies you kill, that is not what i call balanced, especially for people who play with extremely rare loot, what would be the point to take the trait if your hope of finding cigs = 0,001% agree with Blasted_Taco growing tobacco could be a good way as well for balancing, i'm not saying to find cigarettes in each zombie corpse, but a bit highter probability would balance it more .
  2. Cigs shoudn't be this rare, cigs are actually as rare as axes... : "Base.Axe", 0.1, "Base.Cigarettes", 0.1, I think cigs should be more commun to find on people than axes ... even in 90's
  3. Ok cigarettes are dropped in abundant loot, after killing 80 zombies, means on extremely rare loot/hight difficulties that would be at 99% impossible to find some, luck is probability , i think the cigs drop probability is way too low imo, that confirm why in my main game after killing 500+ there were no cigs drops.
  4. Ok ok i'll retry with a new character , thanks
  5. 0.1 on Distribution isn't that too low ? hmmm i'm not sure cigs are dropped, i put abundant loot settings also the lucky trait and after +300 zombies killed i didn't find any but i found anything else droppable, did someone find some ? or the probability is too low, or it has a glitch somewhere :/
  6. Nice update RJ !! hmm if you have some time to check for the freezer/rotten food glitch as well for a next update ? just wondering how the cigarettes drop rarity is setting up? because after 200 zombies killed i didn't find any (created a new game for this update and playing on extremely rare loot settings)
  7. Thanks for infos EG, didn't know about the US lids, for me food is not that bad balanced atm, i'm pretty happy about, esp with the new box of jars, i play with extremely rare ressources and i feel it correct, i already reported the freezer glitch, not fixed yet, as well the antique oven (i know why it takes longer to fix) but in general i'm happy about for the moment.
  8. :'( i have 10 empty jars and no lids :'(
  9. I though about it two days ago haha
  10. It would also be amazing if the jar lids do not diseppear after opening the jars on this build !
  11. Works for french language here so i have no idea why it doesn't work on spanish :/
  12. I was wondering too why i could'nt open those doors, Westpoint police station, the second security door is also impossible to disassemble, seems like a pathfinding issue
  13. Agree indeed, but for the % foraging, a trait should maybe be required to be able to see it ? dunno seems weird for me on the actual state ( i can be wrong too ) "Why isn't found the herbalist magazine in the mailboxes like the other ones? " i didn't even know this one exist
  14. Just an observation about the smoker trait : playing with extremely rare loot settings, then i realised that is almost impossible to find any on Muldraugh/Rosewood; also cigarettes are not on zombie loot drops, gretting really frustrating after days ingame; those towns are no smoker, already talked about before about the cig loot drop but nothing has changed. So i'm stuck playing on Westpoint to hopefully get some (3 packs of 20 if i'm lucky) as well the cigarettes weight is too hight, 40 cigs are more heavy than a crowbar ...
  15. Oh i didn't remember of that, thanks! hopefully in a close update because it's faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrr !!!!!
  16. Nice update, missing a spawnpoint on the new residential area !
  17. I'm about to check, i ll make a post on the bug report (sorry i was busy those days ^^)
  18. Dunno if it's already reported but in multi it is impossible to move the fridges, getting an error everytime
  19. I don't get it, isn't this already in game ? or will we have a new update for it? i'm lost :/
  20. As i know, nothing has been talk about (no changelogs mention it )
  21. Infection should hold longer IMO for balancing; antibiotics should help healing faster as well.
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