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Cyrrent Eiledoll

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Everything posted by Cyrrent Eiledoll

  1. Hey Hydro i know you have already a lom but this is soooo oldschool so i have made an upgrade ... PS: I have seen you need a leanto ... if you want you can take it from here http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/16424-textures-on-demand/?p=205526
  2. wait if you see the Shredder MK 2 Edit: K Shredder Set complete ... here is a amazing piece of engineering Masterhood (now i must restyle the StampMill for version MK 2) forgett a part of the normal Shredder ... Yep this is industrial revolution like it should.
  3. relax ... so the original Meme was a Shiba .. Hydro has already texxtures for Shibas so i take this first But i think this one looks a little more like your Profile Pic plz test the texxtures ... i dont know if i get all white dots when i delete the background
  4. My oppinion? Without black. yeah have something updated too Steamshredder MK 2 will follow Hmm what happens if i throw a zed in this?
  5. You must build the Airfield, the Radiotower, BatteryArray and repair the Radio then you can call 4 different types of support. You will get an random box in your inventory (plus a small parachute). Calling for Airsupport only works when you stand near to the Airfield so only here will drop this mysterios Plane or Heli the Boxes. If you have the broken Radio you need Slill Electricity 5 BrokenRadio, Screwdriver, 3 Screws 2 ElectronicsScrap 3 Wire and you must learn it then you can connect the Radio with the Array and you get an Radio ON when connect to Antenna now you get the Microphone and with the Microphone you can search for other survivors, get a list who teach you the 4 support drops. But you need power too if you want call for support so you must build a charging unit for the power ... no one said it was easy.
  6. Yep i have tried booth ways. With and without black outlines. Sometimes i take the darkest color and sometimes i use black and sometimes there is no difference. But most of time i am just to lazy or i try to make the items fit together. When you take a look on Hydros textures there is a hodge podge of different styles and so i try to use the "middle way" so the items look good together. P.S. I like your Stones and Gemes. Edit: Have make/edited an Seed Package for the Tobaccoplant (you can't plant tobacco you must married it ) and restyle of Zultanit Ore, Crystal and Uranium Ore (that you already have) do you use a speciaal book or source to see how the Ore looks in real? I only use Google I have take this picture for the ore .... The Zultanite looks similar to the uranium ore but in fact Zultanite can be found in Bauxite. But the Zultanite Ore looks like even if Bauxite was a red ore. The Complete Gravel Pit Set in one Pic. And as single items .... And this is how a complete Pit can look like Huhhh imagine this whole thing Steampowered.
  7. so there was this advandced building mod i use and who works good together with Hydro. With this mod you can build a functional fridge and some walls from Bricks and Concrete. I dont look to Hydros Scripts and Luas but in BD i "hide" the Blue Barrels (empty) mostly in Garages and Sheds and the Chemicals in the storage Units. You dont need ammonia to make Meth. Ammonia must be made from fertilizer (used a empty barrel and water). If you have searched all storage units and there are no chemicals there was the way with the junkyard or search for Metal ... thats the way it works in Breaking Dead. How i said i dont look at Hydros Scripts and Luas. But i dont remember where you can find Metylamin ... Hmmm nahhh i think this Shredder has no good texture. I will make a better ... looking more "in place".
  8. Hey no prob. I am just too lazy to view everytime to Hydros Textures when i make a new Item So Gravelpit now complete. And thank you ... i think i can do it better (if i want ... and i dont want ) but it should be enough for PZ. Hmm no i cant do better ... i try and loose This thing works in the same way like the toy excavator i have when i was younger. Edit: I have take the Chimney from the Steam machine MK 2. I think this can be used to burn some trash (or corpses)
  9. Hmm when i have problems with my trash i search a lonly place, drop all the things down, place a fire and put some logs (or Corpse) in it.
  10. I try to find a solution for the Gravelpit and have make this if you write a recipe like "Dig a huge hole and search for a giant Rock" you can place the first texture. Then you upgrade to the other Texture and make some sand or gravelpiles (dirt will follow) In game it will look like PS Edit: Or you dig a Hole and get 20 Units of Gravel or Dirt. With that you can make the Piles and in the Pit you can search for Stones, Minerals, Sand etc. Everytime you search you get some Units of gravel, Dirt or Sand (or a "special" Item like Mineral)
  11. at this point i dont know but i am working on it
  12. Have send you a PM with the original Heli parts. so you can change what you want. Or you mean something like this?
  13. have hanged the Hammer a little bit wich texture do you want for the pit? Or you want booth? Another Idea ... 3 different types of "machines" for the Pit. Hmm i have no idea were the rock come from
  14. something like this? think this can be stage 2 of the pile (and stage 3 was a assembly line and a giant funnel with many sieves)
  15. sure. Have the idea to make the pit like the junkyard. first a little pile and later (on stage 2 or 3) a impresive piece of engineer art.
  16. C:user/yourPC/Zomboid/console.txt this is the log from your last PZ load.
  17. why not take Titanium from the Hip Replacement? P.S. Steam Machine MK 2 Edit:
  18. No Whats about a Gravelpit Texture in addition to the mining section?
  19. hu? I never say other hmm when VHS is for this time Period why have Hydrocraft a DVD player and DVD Cases? Can make a VHS no problem when you ad an VHS Player Blue Corn in correct size and the rotten stuff
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