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  1. No reason to be sorry, it was such a swell idea that the creators had it too, and will bring it back someday!
  2. Can't the camera just zoom on the area and remove the fog of war until the user presses a key or something?
  3. Works like a charm, thanks a lot RobotMat!
  4. That sounds pretty good. Having the player talk won't alert zombies though will it?
  5. Well that's unfortunate... The deal is that I need to display something when the player is reading something, that's the whole gist of the mod I'm trying to make. Do you know how I could sidestep that issue?
  6. The function is overriding ISReadABook:perform, but I know that it is properly executed. It does other things, including showing logs on the console. I'll check out the coordinate viewer tonight for clues.
  7. I suppose so, I set it like this : local textToDisplay = "@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@"; I may not be entirely comfortable with the lack of variable typing in lua.
  8. Yep. I know it's shockingly basic, but I don't know how to do it. I didn't find a tutorial about it, I tried stealing this line from another mod : getTextManager():DrawString(500, 500, textToDisplay); But it doesn't do anything. No exception thrown either. I've tried with other values (like half of the width/height of the screen, or 100/100), nothing.Thanks again for any help, and sorry for probably missing something shamefully obvious.
  9. I've been searching a lot but I just can't find how to react to the player using an item. No event for that. I resigned myself to do it the ugly way and create a function reacting to OnTick that would check if the player's using an item, but even that way I failed. There is a function "getUsedItemsOn" that may give me the used item, but no "isItemBeingUsed", so I get a heap of errors instead of results. tl;dr I can't find something like an OnItemUsed event or isItemUsedOn() function My use case is that I want to see that the player is reading a newspaper, magazine or such and display a fluff related text that I would randomly pick in a file. Thanks in advance for any help!
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