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lindsayrose's Achievements

  1. Just wondering if there is a special trick to planting the pumpkin seeds. I can take them out of the packet but they don't seem to show up on the 'sow seed' menu. Just curious!
  2. Just wondering if the new bellows and pulley are findable items or if there is some new crafting book? I have the option to craft a blast furnace but after searching all the crafting tabs can't find the pulley or bellows and I don't have the options to build things like the new water tower or well or anything like that. New books? Just curious
  3. From what I understand you need to forage to find feral chicken eggs. This is my understanding as well. I've made it my mission to find these damn eggs but just can't seem to find any. I'm up to level 8.5 with foraging but still nothing. I've found 'wild eggs' and 'goose eggs' but no chicken eggs!
  4. Just wondering if anybody has tried doing the sausage making skill. I read the book but can't figure out how to do it. *shrug*
  5. You have to be a certain carpentry level before you are able to plaster walls. I'm pretty sure it's level 8.
  6. Apprently it is my mod and some item is missing. I have narrowed it down to the following items. Let me know if you had any of these. - Saltpeter - Grass - Oak Leaves - Bark - Birch Bark - Willow Branch - Pine Bough - Zombie Bones - Stone Arrowhead - Cow Poop I suspect it might be the Bark and/or Birch Bark since I changed them into a food item instead of a normal item. Yeah I had bark in both places that got disrupted. Good to know!
  7. Also, anyone figure out how to actually obtain chickens? I've looked in the crafting menu, went to a farm that said it had a chicken coop, tried 'foraging' for one, tried looking to see if they came in cage like the rabbits. Can't quite figure it out.
  8. I have the same issue as the above poster. Last two times I updated I lost hunks of my base. It has never really been anything dire but this time I lost my two precious dog whistles! Ha.
  9. Wondering how you get bronze/steel ingot. I'd imagine you'd have to combine other metals to get them but can't seem to find out how. Trying to ultimately make the glass blow pipe but need a bronze or steel smithing hammer. Also drying wild berries doesn't seem to work. The recipe doesn't ask for berries so even if you have them and the other stuff it doesn't work.
  10. I just found my first deer! Woo! I got really excited. Killed it, went to skin it and there was no option. There was one for bear, cow, sheep, squirrel, fox and rabbit. Also are the new one use dog whistles here to stay? I spent a realllly long time scouring Muldraugh and found 4. 2 were unsuccessful and I'm scared to use up the other 2.
  11. First of all, I love this mod. It has made for a much more rich and enjoyable gameplay. I've come across a few questions though. I've tried to read through the forum thoroughly as to not repeat questions but haven't been able to find the answers. 1. Is there a skill requirement to dig a mine? I know it doesn't say so in the crafting panel. I have all the required items and it all lights up in the crafting panel but every time I hit 'craft one' nothing happens. The weight of the auger and the ladder combined make it impossible to have them in my inventory at the same time so I have to hit the craft button when they are outside of my pack and then they are brought in. I've tried crafting in the crafting panel and from right clicking on the other objects required and nothing happens. 2. Is there anything you can do with the sheep? I found one and assumed it would be used for something based on the graphics I saw in this post earlier. I have tried having a variation of weapons in my inventory but can't get any option to kill it or skin it or... harvest anything from it. 3. How do you hunt the new animals like bear etc? I've read the hunting book but can't seem to find anything about it in the crafting panel. Has this been implemented yet. I'm sure I've missed some obvious things here but I tried to check everything out on my own as best as I could before posting so thanks in advance!
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