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  1. As different is the domain than from Svarog example, I can understand what he is saying. I used to (poorly, for purely amateurish reasons in a circle of friends) write and no matter how I enjoyed doing it and was really pleased to see people enjoy it as I did, after a few dozen pages, the sheer will it required of me to keep going increased tremendously, while, weirdly enough, the pleasure I had in doing it increased too. So, saying all that, I can understand that compared to the will a novice, unpolished and totally unprofessional work that took maybe one or two hundred hours, required of me, the drive to work on such a complicated game - for it is to be said, project zomboid is quite ambitious as it features a crapton of diverse mechanics - must be pretty much life consuming (in a good way, but life consuming nonetheless.) As a player, the best I can do is give you my most sincere cheering, and talk about the game to friends. May the brains be with you.
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