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Everything posted by nolanri

  1. nolanri

    Survivors Mod

    I could make them wait in a spot but that would introduce a big problem because the survivors cannot exist outside the loaded cell. what that means is if they go too far off your screen onto an area of the map that is not loaded, they will simply disappear into nothingness. So making them wait is fine and dandy but if I do that people will start complaining that they disappear because they left them in base and went somewhere far away.
  2. nolanri

    Survivors Mod

    I probably wont go as far as to have them intelligently surviving on their own such as doing things like looting their own food etc. But I can certainly make them vocalize their needs for food / water etc. I just have not yet because in my experience, my survivor friends rarely last long enough to ever need food or water... but maybe that's because I really don't try hard to keep them alive and abandon them at first sign of trouble.... lol? And yes it works with cars. but of course they survivors wont drive the cars or get in your car. And be careful not to run over your survivor friends because it will insta kill them.
  3. nolanri

    Survivors Mod

    Other survivors will spawn as you explore the map, many will fall to the hordes and die, but some may join you, and others may try to kill you! Direct Download Steam Workshop Development Thread All of the major problems/bugs are more or less sorted out now, and the mod is very playable. Some known problems include: -Occasional crashing from java side error in player update function. Sometimes it almost never happens for hours, but other times it seems to happen frequently. -If you are using mouse and keyboard, the survivor will be forced into "facing" the direction of your mouse whenever you attack. For a brief moment they will turn from whatever direction they are facing and face the direction of your mouse. -spawning items with necroforge will not work with this mod enabled
  4. when i was messing around with magical wep enchantments mod I found a way to make zombies move faster. so it could be easy to make a mod that makes zombies "faster" during the night
  5. i used setBannedAttacking() to sort of, mostly remove the attack sync problem. now i'm trying to figure out what is causing this: https://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php?app=tcbugtracker&module=tracker&controller=issues&id=481
  6. http://pz-mods.net/guide/event-reference/ and moreover how does ReuseGridsquare differ from LoadGridsquare
  7. if I can find a way to initiate the joypad/controller system without actually having a controller, i think i can fix the attack sync. And possibly remove the need for javaside patch. I need to set GameWindow.ActivatedJoyPad to something not null. I can set the suvivor players JoyPadBind to like 1 even but the condituions in the player update check for GameWindow.ActivatedJoyPad to be activated before they check for the players joypad bind.
  8. I want to make hostile Survivors but no point in doing that when attacks are synced. i really need to remove the attack sync now. Any ideas anyone?
  9. If you find it pain full waiting, chew on this for a while: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=786130456
  10. oh i didnt see that stats class. yeah it's there.
  11. thanks for this. but i think now that you can give the survivors new weapons i dont need to use this. but I was looking through BodyDamage and Player classes for a method to detect "how hungry" a player is but oddly could not find anything regarding hunger. know anything about that?
  12. ya this part was lua.
  13. You can give a weapon to survivors now by dropping it by thieir feet. But I really want to find out why medical check option disappeared
  14. and another question is. is there an lua method for the action of jumping through window/ over fence like when you hold e button
  15. does anyone know how I can set / restore the durability of the weapon in hand?
  16. made a kind of hack job fix for the LOS problem. just manually using set alpha to all the object in the cell that return true on CanSee() in main players update loop. So you can play the survivors mod without an "Major" problems now. for some reason it seems that survivors still sync with your attack command. not sure why yet. I guess it must be hard coded in without even doing a getPLayerNum() == 0 condition check. but its not so bad and could even be usful i suppose.
  17. seems like i have it all working with the java changes. follow the isntall steps here: http://undeniable.info/pz/Survivors.php havent tested thoroughly yet, so i suspect there could be other prolems. but i had 1 minute of everything woprking playtime
  18. So blindocoder showed me how to recompile my java edits. and with that we made a method to set player index to something that is not 0. Had to also add the new players to the players object array and initialize a reloadmanager instance to get it to work without errors. With all that the survivors are now free from my keyboard and mouse commands! ... But for some reason...., now your player has no Line of SIght LOS. Fog of war is everywhere so zombies are essentially invisible, If you use necro forge to toggle ghost mode on, you can see everywhere (even behind you) and see that the AIs are running around independantly now. But obvioulsy being blind is a problem and is the NEW problem. I could set ghost mode on sure. But then you'd have a perfect field of view 360 degrees and even see behind obstructions. so thats not much of a fix either. I cant really imagine why changing the index number of other players makes player 0 (keyboard player) LOS disappear so at the moment im not sure what to try but thats whats going on
  19. So we made changes to the Java side class to allow setting the PlayerIndex but this caused out of bounds error with getSpesificPlayer(int index) . I think because we need to add the new player object to the IsoPlayer.players[] array, we will try to do that next but its likely that there will be other problem,s
  20. they keyboard movements for players is hard coded into the java IsoPLayer class, dont have access to do this. Blindcoder is trying to edit and rebuild the IsoPlayer.class so that I can set the PLayerIndex, and if that dont work maybe alter the keyboard listen condidtion from getPlayerNum() == 0 to isLocalPlayer() either way, it's a java side fix which will make installation of the mod complicated even if it works. And would have to redo it each time build updates. Which is why I hoped TIS would alter the condition officaially or add a method to set or create isoplayer with spesified index
  21. If i edit this Java how can I recompile it? I know installation will become an issue with javaside edits but still. here is my version with the && isLocalPlayer() added if somone can compile this into a new IsoPlayer.class let me know. will mean extra installation step but worth it.
  22. even though all the Players I spawn have the same 0 result from getPlayerNum() of 0. isLocalPlayer() still somehow recognizes the difference between my character and the spawned characters. I was able to make it so the players I spawn dont stop thier actionQuene when I push walk key by altering WalkToTimedAction.lua in the base game files. by adding "and self.character:isLocalPlayer()" after self.character:getPlayerNum() == 0 If TIS could do this in the Java part of the player update function where it listens to keyboard it would be fixed Though I had to edit base game files, its only a small improvement, because they survivors I spawn will still aim and face whereever I do even with a busy action quene. And when they are idle they will still move with me fully.
  23. I'm not using the Survivor Class because the zombies ingore them. I'm using the IsoPLayer class. And currently the problem seems to be that ALL of the players I spawn have the same Index Number 0. getSpesificPlayer() returns the player instance based on the index number so that wouldnt even work. Because player # 0 is meant to be the main (keyboard) player, that is why they all repond to the keyboard / mouse. So I need to figure out the proper way to create a IsoPlayer Instance with incrementing PlayerIndex numbers. I can't find any example in the PZ lua or on the /modding/ page of the website on how IsoPlayers are supposed to be created except via the constructor which has the problem of giving them all PlayerIndex 0 numbers
  24. or a proper way to Create the IsoPlayer instances with incrementing index / IDs
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