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Posts posted by Kind-Sir



    Omelette du fromage !

    Le baguette !

    Paris !


    You're done, 25/20.

    I got through just pointing at things I wanted in France.

    Except at Starbucks, but it was more or less okay for me to speak English there due to being in Paris.

    On topic:

    I am not a big fan of school, however I do not think it sucks.

    I had a crap time in school, but it was made better by starting up clubs and making friendships with teachers instead of being just a student.

    Since I had to work after schools until the early AM, I usually slept in certain classes to make up for lack of rest. My teachers were cool with this because I studied, got high test scores, and participated in class when I was able to.

    It all boils down to how you spend it.

    If you're going to school to just go to your classes and consider that it sucks, you're doing it wrong.

    Make the most out of it. Spend an extra hour in a club at your school, or spend 2 minutes after class talking to your teacher about something interesting.


    If tests are your hardest part, treat them as review. I always treated tests as review of what I knew, and if I didn't know enough to do well on the test, I'd just study the whole subject with another method. It's mostly trial and error, keep on trying new things. Better to fail and figure out what works for you, then to do average and move on with it.

  2. They seem like a simplified version of a .obj file

    See my post early in this thread.


    From there, we can just load the .obj file into Blender and edit the mesh, then export it back out as a .obj and convert it to the PZ mesh format.

  3. Here we go our first output ! http://speedy.sh/NdTPB/test.obj guess what is it :P

    It's 2:30 AM here so Im gonna get some sleep now :D

    tomorrow (today) I'll fix few things and I hope I will upload the program.

    Looking nice!

    I typed up a python script to convert pzmesh.txt to .obj and vise versa, but my laptop just crashed and it seems like I lost some of my code. Not much harm, just a little annoying.

    Feel like technology is slowly becoming sentient...

    Anyhoot, I'll be posting my python code once I rewrite some of the code, and possible see how to load these models into the game. Perhaps need to edit a file, but the Java code to call models into existence seems to be in projectzomboid/zombie/core/skinnedmodel/ModelManager.class function loadStaticModel

    It takes in "pzmesh", "texture" ("weapons_woodplank", "Objects_WoodPlank") and outputs a model constructor, which is the class core/skinnedmodel/model/Model.class

    I believe I can't post any code publicly.

    Wonder if there's a Lua loader for meshes...

  4. I looked through the Java decompiled code and found a class called ModelLoader.class located in projectzomboid/zombie/core/skinnedmodel/model

    The function "load" has a case switch, and it looks like case 5 cycles through each vertice and loads in the following information (currently the following is only for verticies without tangents):

    v x y zvn x y zvt x yExample:# Vertex Buffer:-0.05332200, -0.00887400, 0.000000000.00000000, 0.00000000, 1.000000000.79623500, 0.96012600

    And face being just
    f x y z
  5. I managed to create a program which loads up whole txt file Now what I have to do is to save it in diffrent format. 

    The problem is I dont know what for example "Tangent" mean. I was using from time to time opengl so I know what normals are but these other things I have no idea.



    Also I think it will be hard to add new models to the game (if even possible ) .

    But you will be able to modify existing models unless they are hardcoded somewhere in game and these txt files are just sitting there doing nothing.

    Is there any way you can post your work?

    Be it Github, Dropbox, etc.

  6. I'm going to have a crack at what Omegapl mentioned.
    It'd be really nice to see some new models in the game, for guns, animals, etc.

    One thing for starting off would probably look at how these model files are loaded into the game.

    First things first though, gotta get me some energy and candy.

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