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Everything posted by Redwood

  1. That's correct, as far as I know you won't be able to interact with any dragons in this game.In the PZ NPC update in June it had a screenshot of a guy interacting with an NPC
  2. Will you be able to have an actual conversation with a NPC using the talk button. Also will NPC be able to give you quests if you talk to them. Have you ever tried running the game with 100 NPC spawned,how well did the game work. You Don't have to answer either
  3. Note (Iam not trying to convince the indie stone to speed up development on any feature just wondering what most people want to see in game) I personally can't wait for NPCs to come. I remeber playing with the old ones and getting a group of 5 and surviving a long time but wishing that the group reacted to the death of its members.
  4. It was in a mondoid a long time ago. I could be thinking of somthing else (it was atleast 1 or 2 years ago) I'll see if I can find it
  5. Is this map going to work its way into the main game or will it always be a mod would love to see it in there
  6. I believe they said you could start with a wife or somthing like that I don't believe they spawn with you and you would have to find them this was a long time ago so it may have changed and not sure if it's just for sandbox
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