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About Pabz

  • Birthday 01/15/1994

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  1. Hi PZ devs and community. I’m a long-time fan of the game, it’s amazing seeing how it has progressed through the years. I recently started playing with the controller and I really liked the combat, but the menu devices and inventory managements are a bit wonky to use, I think most people in the community would agree. I thought of a possible new control mapping that would greatly improve playability by making the navigation more intuitive. Hope these suggestions are too ambitious or difficult to implement/test out. General Controls Left joystick= Move Right joystick = Aim R3 = (Hold/tap*) = Look further (!!!) L3 = (tap) Enter/leave crouch mode Y = Open/close inventory A = (Tap) Use: Open/close door, Turn light on/off Turn oven on/off (!!!) Open device menu if near TV etc. (/) (!!!) (Hold) Jump through fences (+) /Windows Open window (but not close, that way we can hold A to open and immediately jump through the window) B = (Hold) Smash window/climb through fence (+) (Tap) Cancel interact X = Interact RB = Equip weapon 1 (!!!) LB = Equip weapon 2 (!!!) RT = Run/ attack (same as current layout) LT = Push/stomp (same as current layout) Arrows = wheel menus (same as current layout) Start = Pause/Menu Select = If no status/device menu is open (hold) show wheel menu. Controlled by right joystick (same as current device) If a status/device window is open (Tap) close last status or device window (Hold) = enter focus mode in which you can position the last opened status or device window. Control the movement of the window with the right joystick. (Release hold) = release focus (!!!) Inventory/Devices/ status menu need to be closed. (*) Probably preferential. (/) Simply turn on/off since the device menu can be access through X. (+) The command it’s doubled A&B, either keep both or choose one. Inventory mode Arrows = navigate items/item menu R3 = (Tap) “item details” (Current B function) (see inventory mode) Maybe (hold) move inventory window. A = Item menu / Accept B = Cancel item menu X = (Tap) Transfer item (Hold) Transfer all items Y = Close Inventory mode LB = Cycle character’s inventories RB = Cycle through world inventories Select = see general Device options RB= minimize/open submenu (current arrows left/right) LB = Cycle through the submenus A = Activate submenu: turn on/off, open Chanel list, select channel list B = Remove/add battery / cancel channel list Y = Mute speaker X = Tune in Right/Left arrows = volume up/down (preferably without having to find the submenu) Up/down = Navigate submenus / channel list if opened/other lists Select = Close menu (see general) Car Menu/ Status Menu /Crafting Menu work great. Thank you for this amazing game!
  2. I agree, but at the same time there should be a way of getting rid of the corpses, grabbing, moving, piling and then burning them. This would be accompanied by zombies seeing the fire and being drawn into your base (or wherever the fire is)
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