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Everything posted by Trebgarta

  1. T'was a murky morning in the land of Dildondus, and everyone was Eating pancakes With forks. Suddenly a herald from the opposing kingdom of Supercalafradgelisticexpealadociousantidisestablishmentarianismfloccinaucinihilipilification, as their inferior waffles had been abducted by the mole-people. and the moles said the Supercalafradgelisticexpealadociousantidisestablishmentarianismfloccinaucinihilipilifications were next due to them not being hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia friendly. Luckily the Kingdom of Dildondus didn't give a fuck since they opposed the kingdom of Supercalafradgelisticexpealadociousantidisestablishmentarianismfloccinaucinihilipilification, nailing the herald's hat to his head and going to the pub for a quick Sex On The Beach, but it turned out the pub was a literal drinks pub, and he ended up having sex with myself, at which point I wondered, how much meth DID I smoke today? then I realised, I was Walter White which, quite frankly, explained alot... But then suddenly, the village alarm ukulele sounded! It was time for the village to dance to the Bee Gees, however one person did not dance at which point the mole people came up and said "You should be dancing...yeah" and shot him. luckily he already stashed away all is gold, which he looted in the cave of The Supercalafradgelisticexpealadociousantidisestablishmentarianismfloccinaucinihilipilification kingdom. He stole all this gold to pay off his mother, for all the pancakes she had brought for his pet sloth, which was also a alcoholic and turned out to be the great hero destined to overthrow the waffle loving mole-people The pet did a special power attack to the mole people which costed 140 mana. The mole king screamed out in terror: "Y U USE ALL DAT MANA" before fainting and dissolving into a keyboard. The keyboard was then taken to court, to be tried for all the heinous crimes it committed in life, the judes sentenced it to 7 years of drowning in spilled soda. The people were so happy that they summoned Jeremy Kyle, who then started screaming at everyone so much that the mole people threw waffles at him. Then those waffles began to dance to the theme tune of Jurassic Park. But what they didn't guess, the waffles' presence were soon brought to an end by
  2. ^+1 I had just tried PZ months later with the new update, only to be greeted by those symbols. As it was defaulted to Turkish, my language. I'm not gonna play it in Turkish, though I thought it was important, so I came to post here.
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