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Everything posted by Dillerin

  1. I was surprised to see how many have initially shuned the thought of calling in to get yourself some personal free time with something you enjoy. Dealing with friends, family, loved ones, jobs, school, hunger, chores, errands, bills, blah blah blah, it's sometime the best thing you can do for yourself... to take time off and dive into something that makes you happy. Granted, friends usually also partake in gaming, but often I find myself doing what my friends want versus them doing what I want, and most my r/l friends don't do gaming like I do.
  2. Initial release for State of Decay on xbox, I just planned for it and scheduled a day off... does that count? That's my most recent one... I have called in for other games in the past, but the game titles escape me at the moment. I'm pretty sure I played hooky back when I was a kid to play original golden cartridge Zelda. But I can't honestly say I remember having done so, just remember playing the hell out of that game... spending hours burning every bush and blowing up ever rock wall in search of secret passages. =D
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