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Everything posted by Jawface

  1. Put these into your sandbox setting and post below for how long you have survived These setting are Similar-ish to the 28 days later rage zombies If you think I got something wrong in these setting please reply Note the weaknesses and strengths of these rage zombies (it may save your life) Strengths: They hear you from far away, they run as fast as you, you die instantly if you get infected and they are very strong in numbers. Weaknesses: They are fragile so taking one down shouldnt be a problem, they have a short memory which means if you run around a corned you are more likely to lose them. Speed: Sprinters Strength: Normal Toughness: Fragile Transmission: Blood & Saliva Infection Mortality: Instant Reanimate Time: Instant Cognition: Navigate Memory: Short Decomposition: Weakens Sight: Eagle Hearing: Weakest Setting Smell: Weakest setting Please but some evidence below for how long you have survived wether it is in a screenshot or video its acceptable and will be posted below. Remember, its a competition! 1st place: 1 month 7 days 22 hours Johnnie Walker 2nd place:Over 10 hours but unspecified DovydasAl 3rd place: 10 hours CrazyAL Jawface
  2. Most of the stuff you are suggesting is either already in game (Electricity turning off after about 2 months) or planned for the game (cars and vehicles ect ect) please look at the Big No's thread before posting stuff like this but the idea is cool anyway ;D
  3. people wont have to remember what commands they have to type in. its everyday questions EG how are you? im sure people wont have to look in their notebook to find that.
  4. In the current pz build the npcs have been taken out for "upgrading". However i still remember the old npcs, you could only communicate with them in a few ways. I think i found a way for players to feel more connected eith npcs and that you are actually talking to them. Here is the suggestion. When you talk to a friendly npc you dont just get 3 bubbles of sentances from which you must choose one sentance. You talk to them in chat, literally. For example you come to a friendly male npc and type in chat "whats up, Bob?" The programming will recognise the person you are talking too it will also recognise the question and reply "just checking our barricades". If you type something which an npc wont understand or you make a major spelling mistake eg "hillo!" The program will only reply something like "what?" Also there will be diffrent ways to say the same questions and the program will still recongnise them. Eg to say "wats up, Bob" you wont have to say that all the time Eg "what are you doing bob?" The program will recognise that as the same question as "whats up bob?" And reply in the same way. That will encourage players to actually say what they want instead of choosing preset sentances. Is it a good idea? Jawface
  5. so far batteries in Project Zomboid can only be used for flashlights. I feel that batteries should be a "Valuable Item" instead of "Something common that u put in a flashlight". Maybe they could be used to power radios or lights in houses when the power goes out. (EG you walk to electricity panel and put battery in it and boom u have lights/refrigerator power for 20 or so hours). Most people in real life would take tonnes of batteries if a real zombie apocalypse broke out. And in pz we don't even treat them as valuable items. Post what you think Jawface
  6. you guys do know that in real life baseball bat would break in about 10 hits if you were in a zombie apocalypse? Just because u can hit a ball really far with it doesent mean same thing will happen to a head EDIT: fav melee weapon is kitchen knife
  7. as you examine the wreck you find bullet holes inside what seems to be the planes wing
  8. I dont think shooting yourself is cowardly. Infact you must be very brave to do so. People who jump of buildings arent cowards, they see no point to live but it is very hard to take your own life when u see no point to live, even for people who have lost everything and everyone. Suicide will always need more courage because you will almost never want to kill yourself, even in zombie apocalypse
  9. Project Zomboid's map right now is not really urban, its more like a village. The point of my suggestion is that we add a city as another playable map or connect it to the existing one. Imagine you and your buddies walking down the streets of Atlanta, killing zombies and making a giant office building your safehouse. Also if you are really high up you would get panicked when you look out the window because of how high you are (possibly a "Fear Of Hights" trait). Jawface
  10. back in the olden days I made a 3 storey wooden house but then fell out of the window and broke my neck...
  11. this is a good idea however the devs did state that they don't want the game to have an ending... the point of this game is to see how long you survive and record your adventures with your friends, not beat the game. good idea though
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