Retrospective: Sleeping Dogs

Sleeping Dogs is a flupping excellent game but also a frustrating one – not because any of the gameplay mechanics are frustrating but because of what it almost is. It’s tantalisingly close to being an interactive and authentic Hong Kong martial arts movie. Instead, it comes across like a Hollywood attempt at a martial arts movie…

Prey is the best game I’ve played this year

…and I’ve played Persona 5 and Yakuza 0 (loved them both, obv) But gosh do I love me a good sci-fi story. I don’t need some massive, sprawling epic. What I like in my sci-fi stories is a central idea which makes you go, “woo!”. This is why I favour collections of short stories over…

Wot I Would Do With Steam Post-Greenlight

Firstly, I think Steam is terrific. It’s flupping awesome that we’ve got our game on there at all, so really, as far as I’m concerned Valve can do whatever the hell they want with their own store. However, since everyone is giving opinions on this, I’m gonna chime in too. Valve clearly have no intention…

Stupidly Simple World Lighting

Hello. Whenever I write little side 3D projects, at some point I have to decide how the hell I’m going to write my world lighting. For daft little side projects, I generally can’t be arsed to write some proper lightmap solution because that complicates your object instancing since you require each object to have a unique set of…

Even more (!) musing on Alpha-Funding

* Narrow-slice view of the industry incoming. I do not claim to speak for all (or most/many/any other/whatever) indie developers. Before Minecraft invented/popularised alpha-funding as a viable way to make videogames, here is how you’d make an ambitious large-in-scope indie game: Make a small indie game in your spare time Repeat 1 until the pittance…

More Thoughts on Game Criticism

No game should be immune from criticism – let’s just get that point out there first so there’s no misunderstanding. But this whole mess with Digital Homicide and Jim Sterling about which Mr Biffo has written a couple of excellent opinion pieces here and here got me thinking, especially the latter post. I’m not going…

Some Twaddle about VR

I don’t want to get all pretentious and cite the vast array of literature I read so that I come across as some kind of intellectual, because to be honest I don’t read that sort of stuff and I’m not clever enough to fake it. Most of what I read is non-fiction sciencey stuff and the fiction is…

Simple Landscape Generation

Man I love playing around with landscape generators, it’s the most therapeutic thing ever. I recommend it. It’s the weekend tomorrow, what are you waiting for? Anyway, in a break from whinging about games and the games industry I thought I’d write a few words about some daft experiments I was doing with landscapes… uhhh……

What the hell is a videogame anyway?

Whenever a game hits the internet which pushes the limit of what many would consider an actual videogame, it’s not uncommon for that to be met with a certain amount of hostility. Sometimes it’s because the themes are not felt to be appropriate, it’s political, has an overt agenda, is dogmatic, is linear to the…

On Slagging Off Other Videogames

Should we do this? In all honesty, I’m horribly conflicted. At the end of the day, other games aren’t really “competitors” in any meaningful sense – so there’s definitely no reason to criticise another game just to inflate your own. On the other hand, just because another studio is within the same games industry bubble…