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Help me implement new tiles, please!


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I'm trying to add two new tiles to the game so that I can turn them into machines in the future. 

I made three files: .tiles, .pack, CB_WorldFiller.lua. Arranged them as follows: image.png.9b0dda5dd141951290dfba26b50efd27.png






When I load the server (this makes it easier for me to work and test the functionality of the mod, write commands, etc.) with such a set of files, it loads and works. But as soon as I add the following script, everything stops working:


module CBitems {
	imports {

	item Press {
		Type = Moveable,
		DisplayCategory = Furniture,
		Icon = CBpress,
		Weight = 5.0,
		DisplayName = Press,
		WorldObjectSprite = press_test_0,


With this script I am trying to create an item (press) so that the player can later craft it, place it and use it for work. What's my mistake? Please tell me, I spent eight hours trying to implement all this.

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I found my mistake. For those interested: I forgot to put `}` at the end of the script. Yeah xD

But I still won’t refuse your advice on creating functioning tiles in the game

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