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Metal Detector


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Aight, what if there was hand held metal detector in the game that you used to find scavenge things like firearms, metal sheets, scrap metal and other metal objects? You know those long, length-wise electric ones with the arm brace and the metal disc at the end?


You'd find it in houses and electronics stores. Would it be rare loot? I'm not sure but you could at least find some.


When right clicking the metal detector and selecting "use" you'd automatically go into foraging mode only this time you'd be able to detect metal objects better than you would in normal foraging mode. Other objects would still be detectable but metal ones would pop up the best. I was thinking using the metal detector could increase your forage level too.


The metal detector could also detect metal stored in containers in addition to metal lying out in the open.


You could even use the metal detector as a blunt weapon though I wouldn't recommend it since you'd be damaging equipment against its original purpose. Better to use an actual melee weapon rather than a electronic tool that's meant to be utilized for its original purpose the most.


I'm guessing it could weight 2-4 units in the game. A metal detector weighs on average 2-4 pounds in the current day though the 90s shouldn't have much of a difference. 


Also, metal detectors would beep in the game potentially attracting zombies. In order to stop this you have to get a set of headphones for the metal detector. You know, like you would for the portable cd players in the game. The headphones required would be different ones that the mp3 ones. 

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