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So disappointed...



After following what appears to be poor suggestions on the forums for editing the options.ini, the game loaded in a ridiculously non-responsive full-screen mode, where the mapped zones do NOT match visually where the buttons actually are. Okay so Alt/Opt-Enter to exit full screen, yeah? Nope. Would you like to sit here and click on a million pixels? Me neither. Okay so thank god I have multiple desktops configured on this machine, Opt -> to swap. So, I tried to use the built-in macOS option to rightclick | quit, only to find the game ignores it. Okay, so quit Steam? Wrong. Steam is hidden behind the game in the same full screen window. Sigh. Okay, I can deal with this, rightclick| quit on Steam? Nope. Okay okay, kill -9/Activity Monitor.... It worked...? It changed the resolution of the entire system. It created some weird condition where Prefs to "Default for Display" just caused macOS and Steam(? Maybe the game?) To fight over the resolution. It was easiest to just hard power off the system.a

Still hopeful to play this game, 45 minutes later. No biggie, add -windowed to the options... and the game ignores windowed mode?


So can I run this windowed or what?

EDIT: While it ignores Steam's windowed settings, it can be forced in the options.ini by manually changing fullScreen=true to fullScreen=false



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