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The inconsistency of controller UI inputs and possible solutions.


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The issue:
 is used to open/close doors/windows or to interact with objects like light switchers (but curtains can only be closed from a context menu?).
B is used to close all UI elements and context menus except inventory/loot UI.
Y opens and closes inventory/loot UI, but it won't close it if a context menu is opened inside it.
Outside of the inventory X opens context menu and B closes it. It is also used to cancel timed actions and to break windows, vaults fences/windows (guess how many times i injured myself).
Inside the inventory/loot UI A opens context menu, B closes context menu and X is used to move items between inventory and containers.
By default game focuses on the currently opened UI element, while it is focused player cannot attack or aim. Some windows require you to press B to release focus, others tell you to press R1, and then there is inventory/loot UI from which focus can only be realeased by pressing Y (guess how many times i ended up being eaten/bit because I was stuck in one of those UI lements mashing the wrong button or because my game was still focused on some of those "press R1 to release focus" UI elements I didn't even have on screen anymore).

Solution #1: 
Allow players to bind buttons for every possible menu/ui element or action the way they want.

Solution #2:
Add double and long presses to improve the functionality of each button as well as to minimze the chance of accidental wrong inputs.
In example:
A is used for all the same stuff, long press allows it also to interact with curtains and expand items in the inventory while double press allows to equip/unequip items.
B is used to close and release focus everywhere, double press allows to vault the fence/window, long press allows to break the window.

X is used to open context menus everywhere, long press is used to move items between inventory/container.

This is the only game where I still mess up inputs from time to time. Which is funny considering that I have 1700h in it according to steam.

Additionally it would be good if in context menus, let's take Farming as an example, it would jump right to the availible options (present seeds) without the need to click through everything (not present seeds in red).

Edited by somewhatfrog
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