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411.78.16 - [Singleplayer/Multiplayer] Cooking recipes not working correctly


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Single player and Multiplayer


No mods

New saves

Preproduction steps

1. Cook anything


Yesterday my wife and I noticed that when she was making salads like she always had, 2+2+2 ingredients. She was getting +15 unhappiness instead of a net unhappiness loss. I tried myself and received the same results. I've completely removed all mods and reinstalled the game from Steam. I'm still getting the same results. My wife tried using her laptop that hasn't been used for a couple of week. She started up an old save file and the received the correct results from before this problem. She then started up a new game to test and found the problem present. The game no longer seems to be using the up to 2 identical ingredients before losing bonuses. I have attached screen shots of the 6 step process of making a salad. I have noticed the 2 ingredient seems to also be affecting other recipes like soup and stews. 








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As far as your issue, I have not confirmed whether this is true or not.


I think the intent for best results is use each ingredient only one time per recipe. If you are gathering ingredients from ALL sources (farming, looting, and foraging) constantly, you will have enough raw/fresh ingredients and spices to keep your 'food production' engine fueled; for two or more players, increase as needed.


Spices seem to 'maximize' recipe/meal happiness levels, so do not discount their importance.

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