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How to get number of days since the apocalypse started


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I need to set a variable to the number of days that have passed since the apocalypse first started, in order to determine if certain zombie types have evolved yet or not (imagine a certain zombie starts appearing after 30 days, for example)


Functions like "getGameTime():getDay()" only get the current day of the month, and "getGameTime():getDaysSurvived()" resets whenever the player dies, so that won't work either. 

I would think there is a built in variable for this, used to determine things like the level of erosion in the world? Is there a more practical way to do this besides doing all the math to compare the starting day/month/year to current day/month/year? Thank you for the help!

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I think I figured it out! I used the mod "Kayli's Evolution Mod" for reference.

function getTime (year, month, day, hour, minute)
  return os.time{ year = year, month = month, day = day, hour = hour, min = minute}

function CalculateEvoDays()
    local nowTime = getTime(

    local startTime = getTime(
        getGameTime():getStartMonth() - (getSandboxOptions():getTimeSinceApo() -1),

    EvoDays = os.difftime(nowTime, startTime) / 86400

The "CalculateEvoDays()" function runs every night at midnight, which sets the "EvoDays" variable to the number of days since apocalypse. 


Edited by Dren
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