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Cars addition


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Pretty sure every time you get in a car you get glued to it, as if you're magnetized hard there? Well, not anymore! Introducing to you an useless innovation: the safety belt(and wheel pillow)!

Alongside with Concussion as a temporary medical condition temporarily cured by Painkillers.


- An additional checkbox in the damage menu allowing you to enable / disable safety belts(working like sleep allowed option);


- If enabled, having getting hit against the obstacles on high speed WITHOUT the safety pillow installed on the car will lead to a concussion, temporarily blurring your vision and making your controls possibly inverted UNLESS you have a helmet on that will reduce the time of concussion and prevent controls invertion;


- If the ramming speed is too high and you're not belted, you will flatout(fly out of the car), doing an animation as if you failed sprinting over a fence and fell over.

(Optional: If there is an obstacle infront, may prevent your fall and instead at the cost of giving you concussion / dealing additional damage).

- After the hit the pillow would be on a cooldown. And the belt, regardless of the situation, will prevent you from getting out of the car or changing seats.

Edited by Bugger
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