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Help, new vehicle model don't show ingame [SOLVED]


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I was making some testing to add top lightbars to a custom textured 93 jeep cherokee from Filibuster's awesome mod so i went ahead and imported the model Vehicles_93jeepcherokee.fbx in to blender then i added the light bar to the top , all looked fine even on windows 3d visor (got textures done too), but then ingame i get only a black shadow when i spawn the vehicle.


Ingame black shadow;



in blender:



in 3d visor:



the model is located on media\models_X\vehicles of my mod and i get a console error that says: ERROR: Animation   , 1661092289508> 656.152.936> ModelManager.addVehicle> Failed to find vehicle model: Vehicles_93jeepcherokeeparkrangerlgoffroadLB


even exported it as tubetarakan said on his tutorial which i think its the most recent one



Also tried to export it without the texture material, and got the same result.



file paths:


Textures: SpecialEmergencyVehicles\media\textures\Vehicles\ used textures/light/masks images


the code for the car on scripts\vehicles: 93jeepcherokeeparkrangerLB.txt

Obviously Filibuster Rhymes' Used Cars! Is loaded cos is a requirement of my mod 


Anyone can tell me whats wrong ?



[SOLVED]  fix on comments :)

Edited by asierus24
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  • 1 year later...
On 11/29/2023 at 9:18 PM, Nuno said:

Hello friend, did you manage to solve your problem? I'm going through the same situation and don't know what to do.

sorry for not responding, yes the issue was that i forgot  to "define" the model used, i leave you here a example code of the car working:   (but basically the issue was that  i forgot to define the first "model Vehicles_93jeepcherokeee" section  which is later used to set up the model for the car a few lines below)

module Base
	model Vehicles_93jeepcherokeee
		mesh = vehicles/Vehicles_93jeepcherokeee,
		shader = vehicle_multiuv,
		invertX = FALSE,
		scale = 0.4519,
	vehicle 93jeepcherookeerangerlb1test
		mechanicType = 2,
		engineRepairLevel = 5,
		playerDamageProtection = 1.3,
		offRoadEfficiency = 1.20,

			file = Vehicles_93jeepcherokeee,
			scale = 1.8500,
			offset = 0.0000 0.3568 0.0000,

		spawnOffsetY = 0.30724707,

			texture = Vehicles/vehicle_93jeepcherokeeparkranger2lb,

			texture = Vehicles/vehicle_93jeepcherokeeparkrangershelllightbar,

			soundSiren = VehicleSiren,
			leftCol = 1;0;0,
			rightCol = 0;0;1,

		textureMask = Vehicles/vehicle_93jeepcherokeeparkranger2lb_mask,
		textureLights = Vehicles/vehicle_93jeepcherokeeparkranger2lb_lights,
		textureDamage1Overlay = Vehicles/fr_Veh_Blood_Mask,
		textureDamage2Overlay = Vehicles/fr_Veh_Blood_Hvy,
		textureDamage1Shell = Vehicles/fr_Veh_Damage1,
		textureDamage2Shell = Vehicles/fr_Veh_Damage2,
		textureRust = Vehicles/fr_Veh_Rust,

			engine = VehicleEngineSUV,
			engineStart = VehicleEngineSUV,
			engineTurnOff = VehicleEngineSUV,
			horn = VehicleHornStandard,
			ignitionFail = VehicleIgnitionFailSUV,

		extents = 0.7892 0.6378 1.9027,
		shadowOffset = 0.0000 0.0108,
		mass = 1000,
		physicsChassisShape = 0.7892 0.6378 1.9027,
		centerOfMassOffset = 0.0000 0.3189 0.0108,
		shadowExtents = 0.7892 1.9027,
		engineForce = 4700,
		maxSpeed = 90f,
		engineLoudness = 100,
		engineQuality = 75,
		brakingForce = 95,
		stoppingMovementForce = 4.0f,
		rollInfluence = 1.0f,
		steeringIncrement = 0.04,
		steeringClamp = 0.3,
		suspensionStiffness = 40,
		suspensionCompression = 3.83,
		suspensionDamping = 2.88,
		maxSuspensionTravelCm = 10,
		suspensionRestLength = 0.20f,
		wheelFriction = 1.4f,
		frontEndHealth = 150,
		rearEndHealth = 150,
		seats = 4,

		wheel FrontLeft
			front = true,
			offset = 0.3027 -0.3622 0.6541,
			radius = 0.12f,
			width = 0.2f,

		wheel FrontRight
			front = true,
			offset = -0.3027 -0.3622 0.6541,
			radius = 0.12f,
			width = 0.2f,

		wheel RearLeft
			front = false,
			offset = 0.3027 -0.3622 -0.5514,
			radius = 0.12f,
			width = 0.2f,

		wheel RearRight
			front = false,
			offset = -0.3027 -0.3622 -0.5514,
			radius = 0.12f,
			width = 0.2f,

		template = PassengerSeat4,

		passenger FrontLeft
			position inside
				offset = 0.1784 -0.1459 -0.0216,
				rotate = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000,

			position outside
				offset = 0.6432 -0.4649 0.2162,
				rotate = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000,
				area = SeatFrontLeft,

		passenger FrontRight
			position inside
				offset = -0.1784 -0.1459 0.0216,
				rotate = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000,

			position outside
				offset = -0.6432 -0.4649 0.2162,
				rotate = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000,
				area = SeatFrontRight,

		passenger RearLeft
			position inside
				offset = 0.1784 -0.1459 -0.3946,
				rotate = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000,

			position outside
				offset = 0.6432 -0.4649 -0.2541,
				rotate = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000,
				area = SeatRearLeft,

		passenger RearRight
			position inside
				offset = -0.1784 -0.1459 -0.3946,
				rotate = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000,

			position outside
				offset = -0.6432 -0.4649 -0.2541,
				rotate = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000,
				area = SeatRearRight,

		area Engine
			xywh = 0.0000 1.1892 0.9514 0.4757,

		area TruckBed
			xywh = 0.0000 -1.1784 0.9514 0.4757,

		area SeatFrontLeft
			xywh = 0.6324 0.1243 0.4757 0.4757,

		area SeatFrontRight
			xywh = -0.6324 0.1243 0.4757 0.4757,

		area SeatRearLeft
			xywh = 0.6324 -0.3514 0.4757 0.4757,

		area SeatRearRight
			xywh = -0.6324 -0.3514 0.4757 0.4757,

		area GasTank
			xywh = 0.6324 -0.7838 0.4757 0.4757,

		area TireFrontLeft
			xywh = 0.6324 0.6595 0.4757 0.4757,

		area TireFrontRight
			xywh = -0.6324 0.6595 0.4757 0.4757,

		area TireRearLeft
			xywh = 0.6324 -0.5514 0.4757 0.4757,

		area TireRearRight
			xywh = -0.6324 -0.5514 0.4757 0.4757,

		template = TrunkDoor,

		part TrunkDoor
			table install
				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,

			table uninstall
				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,

		template = Trunk/part/TruckBed,
		template = Seat/part/SeatFrontLeft,
		template = Seat/part/SeatFrontRight,
		template = Seat/part/SeatRearLeft,
		template = Seat/part/SeatRearRight,

		part Seat*
			table install
				skills = Mechanics:2,
				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,

			table uninstall
				skills = Mechanics:2,
				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,

		template = GloveBox,
		template = GasTank,

		part GasTank
				skills = Mechanics:7,
				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,

				skills = Mechanics:7,
				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,

		template = Battery,
		template = Engine,
		template = Muffler,

		part Muffler
			table install
				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,

			table uninstall
				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,

		template = EngineDoor,

		part EngineDoor
			table install
				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,

			table uninstall
				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,

		part Heater
			category = engine,

				update = Vehicles.Update.Heater,

		part PassengerCompartment
			category = nodisplay,

				update = Vehicles.Update.PassengerCompartment,

		template = Windshield/part/Windshield,
		template = Windshield/part/WindshieldRear,

		part Windshield*
			table install
				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,

			table uninstall
				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,

		template = Window/part/WindowFrontLeft,
		template = Window/part/WindowFrontRight,
		template = Window/part/WindowRearLeft,
		template = Window/part/WindowRearRight,

		part Window*
			table install
				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,

			table uninstall
				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,

		template = Door/part/DoorFrontLeft,
		template = Door/part/DoorFrontRight,
		template = Door/part/DoorRearLeft,
		template = Door/part/DoorRearRight,

		part Door*
			table install
				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,

			table uninstall
				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,

		template = Tire,

		part Tire*
			model InflatedTirePlusWheel
				file = Vehicles_WheelFROR1,

		template = Brake,

		part Brake*
			table install
				skills = Mechanics:6,
				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,

			table uninstall
				skills = Mechanics:6,
				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,

		template = Suspension,

		part Suspension*
			table install
				skills = Mechanics:6,
				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,

			table uninstall
				skills = Mechanics:6,
				recipes = Intermediate Mechanics,

		template = Radio,
		template = Headlight,

		attachment trailer
			offset = 0.0000 -0.2757 -0.9514,
			rotate = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000,
			zoffset = -1.0000,

		attachment trailerfront
			offset = 0.0000 -0.2757 0.9730,
			rotate = 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000,
			zoffset = 1.0000,


Edited by asierus24
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  • asierus24 changed the title to Help, new vehicle model don't show ingame [SOLVED]

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