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Make doorway entry/exit more/less dangerous


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Too often I've seen videos of people plowing through doorways filled with zombies to freedom, or doing it myself.


Running through these open doorways like this should be more dangerous. As it stands right now, zombies seem to have a delay in noticing you before they attempt to scratch or bite, which allows these slip throughs to be easy.


If zombies are barring the door, and you just rush out into them you should be at high risk of being scratched or bitten.


On the flip side, you should have an option of an "explosive exit", in which you kick open the door with all your might, or you shove it open as hard as possible, knocking down zombies that are in front of it banging. There should be a limit of a certain number of zombies in front of the door where this no longer becomes possible at around 3-5 zombies or so. This way doorway entries/exits are more dangerous, but you're given an option to more effectively bypass these doors when you know zombies are on the other side, and almost makes exit through doorways surrounded by zombies a death sentence.


To make this even more interesting, the way the door is hinged on the door jamb should play a large part in this. Most doors don't open both ways, and so it should be something you have to keep in mind when making your entries/exits  So many doors in homes don't open outward... they open inward into the home. This would make a forceful exit almost impossible, rendering window exits a more preferred alternative.


Most interior rooms seem to be designed such that the doors open inward into the room. This could make interiors of homes a little easier to clear, if you're not afraid of a little noise. A forced entry into a bathroom(powerful kick) might knock down any bathroom party zombies if they're hanging out near the door, or if you know they're banging on a door.

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It takes multiple kicks to break open a relatively cheap door, much less one that has a hundred and eighty pounds of rotting flesh leaning up against the opposite side. I wouldn't mind the ability to leap through a window as an explosive exit, though this would likely come with a large number of very nasty cuts and would be a measure of pure last resort.

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It takes multiple kicks to break open a relatively cheap door, much less one that has a hundred and eighty pounds of rotting flesh leaning up against the opposite side. I wouldn't mind the ability to leap through a window as an explosive exit, though this would likely come with a large number of very nasty cuts and would be a measure of pure last resort.


I'm talking about doors that are already open to you(unlocked). But I guess you're right, if a zombie is pressing/banging on the door, you can't really unlatch the door handle before pushing it open.


What I was basically getting at was knocking down zombies who are against the door, provided there are a few number of them, so you can make your getaway. Like leaning against the door, turning the handle and slamming against it and bolting. Knocking down even a 400 pound man is easy if he's not bracing himself. Bipeds are inherently unstable.


Though in real life, at least in America, most doors to the outside open to the inside like I said, which means you couldn't do that. You'd have to open the door all the way before you can basically bolt out, which would let zombies filter in/make your exit almost impossible. At least more restrictive than it is right now, where the door swings open instantly and you can bolt out before the zombies react.

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