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Wound Ballistics mod idea


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I don't expect someone would make a mod on demand, but I will just leave it here, maybe someone will be interested or inspired.


I play with Superb Survivors mod and when I get shot by raiders I find myself very often (if not always) with lodged bullets. Introducing chance for exit wound would give a chance for less damage and boost realism. My ideas for the health system (if it's possible) would look something like this:

- chance depending on used gun and distance (e.g. magnum, point blank is rather likely) and on where you got shot - arm is easy to go through, but torso not so much

- when got exit wound instead lodged bullet, maybe 2 deep wounds needing stitching but 1 bandage (but I never got 2 deeps on the same body part so I don't thing it's doable, one wound is enough, in my opinion)

- in real life bullet can shatter bones but if player would get broken bone, every shot would be a death sentence so let's leave that

- additionally zombies could be randomly penetrated by bullets, similar to a shotgun, again, distance and caliber would affect that


Thanks for reading, have a nice day

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