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Perk Changes from 41.53


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BUG: Marking a custom skill as passive under the new perk system introduce in 41.53 does not make the skill show up.  Passive skills (Strength) and (Fitness) are specifically hardcoded to show up.


Under OptionsScreens/CharacterCreationProfession.lua


function CharacterCreationProfession:checkXPBoost()
    local levels = {}
    if self.listboxTraitSelected and self.listboxTraitSelected.items then
        for i,v in pairs(self.listboxTraitSelected.items) do
            if v.item:getXPBoostMap() then
                local table = transformIntoKahluaTable(v.item:getXPBoostMap())
                for perk,level in pairs(table) do
                    levels[perk] = (levels[perk] or 0) + level:intValue()
    if self.profession and self.profession:getXPBoostMap() then
        local table = transformIntoKahluaTable(self.profession:getXPBoostMap())
        for perk,level in pairs(table) do
            levels[perk] = (levels[perk] or 0) + level:intValue()
    levels[Perks.Fitness] = (levels[Perks.Fitness] or 0) + 5
    levels[Perks.Strength] = (levels[Perks.Strength] or 0) + 5
    for perk,level in pairs(levels) do
        if level < 0 then level = 0 end
        if level > 10 then level = 10 end
        self.listboxXpBoost:addItem(PerkFactory.getPerkName(perk), { perk = perk, level = level })



function CharacterCreationProfession:drawXpBoostMap(y, item, alt)

    local dy = (self.itemheight - self.fontHgt) / 2
    self:drawText(item.text, 16, y + dy, 0, 1, 0, 1, UIFont.Small);

    local percentage = "+ 75%";
--    self:drawTexture(CharacterCreationProfession.instance.greenBlits, self.width - 80, (y) + 12, 1, 1, 1, 1);
    if item.item.level == 2 then
        percentage = "+ 100%";
--        self:drawTexture(CharacterCreationProfession.instance.greenBlits, self.width - 76, (y) + 12, 1, 1, 1, 1);
    elseif item.item.level >= 3 then
        percentage = "+ 125%";
--        self:drawTexture(CharacterCreationProfession.instance.greenBlits, self.width - 76, (y) + 12, 1, 1, 1, 1);
--        self:drawTexture(CharacterCreationProfession.instance.greenBlits, self.width - 72, (y) + 12, 1, 1, 1, 1);

    local textWid = getTextManager():MeasureStringX(UIFont.Small, item.text)
    local greenBlitsX = self.width - (68 + 10 * 4)
    local yy = y
    if 16 + textWid > greenBlitsX - 4 then
        yy = y + self.fontHgt

    for i = 1,item.item.level do
        self:drawTexture(CharacterCreationProfession.instance.greenBlits, self.width - (68 + 10 * 4) + (i * 4), (yy) + dy + 4, 1, 1, 1, 1);
    if item.item.perk ~= Perks.Fitness and item.item.perk ~= Perks.Strength then
        self:drawTextRight(percentage, self.width - 16, yy + dy, 0, 1, 0, 1, UIFont.Small);

    yy = yy + self.itemheight;

    self:drawRectBorder(0, (y), self:getWidth(), yy - y - 1, 0.5, self.borderColor.r, self.borderColor.g, self.borderColor.b);

    return yy;

Both search for two vanilla passive skills instead of just searching the perk-list for all passive skills. 

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