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Cook Occupation Trait Cannot Be Removed


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I went to create a character. I was selecting traits at the character creation screen, while playing "Survival" mode on Build 41 "I will Backup My Save". I decided to click "Randomize" button to randomize the traits. It did so.  I clicked Randomize a couple more times, and decided to edit the traits from there. I noticed one of the traits that was randomly added was "Cook", which makes you know cooking from the start, I guess. This trait HAD NO VALUE (no plus or minus and no number), and I got excited. I thought "Hey free trait." But alas, even though it did not show the number, I could tell it was costing trait points because after I removed the other traits that had been randomly added, my total trait points showed as -4 (I assume the Cook trait costs 6 trait points, as I started with 2) . I said "Forget it, then, I'll remove the trait and start over." I COULD NOT REMOVE THE TRAIT. It was stuck there, and the button used to remove it is there, but unclickable, as if there were no traits there to remove. This is fine for me, as I am just beginning, and it isn't a HUGE bug, but I thought you should know now. I will just restart and leave the randomize button alone, and let you guys fiddle with it. I'll keep playing and keep in touch. Thank you for your time.


Edit: I have now realized that this is not a bug, and by clicking the randomize button, it randomizes EVERYTHING, not just the traits, including Occupation. I had selected Carpenter initially, and it randomized to cook, and gave me the cook trait (unremovable) and the default trait points for that skill are automatically deducted from trait point budget. I don't know how to feel about this (I feel like this is still a bug, it just doesn't make sense to penalize an occupation that should have the Cook trait for free by default..?) IDK Good day to you mods and I hope you post this, it may help someone! I've submitted a screenshot of my adventure, as well


Edited by Skaebo
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