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Rocks, boulders and general relief

Ayrton Orio

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Before addressing my point, and assuming the sycophant like comment, I have been absolutely baffled by how fast the development has been going lately, and the quality of the updates. The new lighting system looks fantastic, and the animations (performance, art, all of it) is probably going to be the most impressive update I have seen in a game. So great job from all of you and thank you for keeping on caring about this game.


Back to my question: I have been working on a map for a while now and I still haven't found any satisfying solution to have rocks and boulders. Of course you can create a new tile and give it some variety but it doesn't look good no matter what when you try to represent the sea shore.


I have decided to leave the sea shore on hold for now, as I would not be surprised if you have already planned a secret plan to adress this issue.


Can you maybe elaborate on what are the future plans for rock formations and possible elevation throughout the map, if any?


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