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Industrial Accidents


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I had a quick little idea, to add environmental hazards and mix things up in the world, and possibly add some minor meta-game mechanics: basically with the lack of human supervision, most industrial equipment would eventually malfunction, in many cases catastrophicly. This is somewhat simulated through the power/ water shutoff system, but what if the player could play a role in it? Maybe adding a power plant that overheats and explodes, that the player could add coolant or fuel to to keep the lights on and avoid loot being destroyed in the ensuing fire. A similar idea could be applied to water pump stations. Players could be alerted to the situation with emergency sirens, and that would also add challenge by drawing in undead. Could also add urgency to the situation by making some accidents contaminate areas with chemicals or radiation, forcing players to try and stop it or relocate before the a meltdown.

Just thought it would be a somewhat realistic scenario that would break up the base building-scavenging-sleeping routine.

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