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Traits about foods and bored. (bored will be more important mood)


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before i start my topic, sorry for bad english.  :-|


hello guys. Earlier i was doing facebook, i saw a video about a kid who hate vegetable.

So, there are so many kinds of people in world. and it is not everybody eat vegetable. there is also vegetarian too. 


What i want to say is first, add a bored mood all of vegetables.(like +30) even it's fresh.

who likes eating Onion, Leek and Cabbage alone? Do you?NO


and bored will be more effective when vegetables are going to spoil. - late of this game we cannot find any fresh vegetables or meat, bored will be important and we should spent times for take care of bored.


and what's happen if you are super bored? you will drive into crazy doesn't you? So If bored going to be worse, Character will feel Angry or Crazy. Its chain reaction. This will be effect on social between NPC's later.


But what if you eat them cooked? what if you love vegetables? what if you are vegetarian?


salad is pretty a good taste. So you can cook and eat it. Of course you cannot eat salad everyday or you will be bored too.


you love vegetables? yeah. add it in traits and give plus effect. and if you are vegetarian, add it in traits too but give 'zero' effect. because you cannot eat anythings made with meat. Its super bad effect in start. and you do farm forever.(you can't set a traps for meat, fishing or breeding animals - maybe later? or developers might put out electric generator later. idk)


of course you don't go out, no communications with NPCs, and farm and eat vegetables only taking bored all. i hope Character doesn't be crazy. 



anyway, once you selected traits, the choice will involve your play style forever. because meals and vegetables clearly contrasting advantages and disadvantages in connection health.


there is so many things i want to say but my english is limited :(



but i think this is a good idea for later build? after added NPCs or added ways to get meats.


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